Friday, May 31, 2019
Lord Of The Flies :: essays research papers
Lord Of The FliesBy William Golding1.) Title Lord Of The FliesPublished 1958Author William GoldingWhere book was acquired Wittenberg Library Wausau Library.2.) What flake of book Fiction, told in Third Person.3.) Characters1.) Ralph Ralph is about 12 years old and he is fair headed. He is described as being built and is chosen as the leader due to his positive qualities. Ralph is a self-assured boy whose confidence in himself came from the acceptance of his peers. He does not cargon about anything at first because he has a strong belief that his father, who is in the navy, will send someone to rescue them. He had a fair nature, as he was willing to listen to Piggy. He was softer compared to Jack, and also became pretty dependent on Piggys wisdom throughout the book.2.) Jack Merridew Jack is about 12 also. He has red hair and he has a skinnier build than Ralph. Jack began as the arrogant and self-righteous leader of a choir. The freedom of the island allowed him to further stand u p the darker side of his personality as the Chief of a savage tribe. He eventually took power through brute force, and toward the end had no humane feelings what so ever. He was a complete savage.3.) Piggy Piggy is short, everywhereweight, has asthma, and wears glasses. He tries his best to keep peace. His glasses are very important because they are used over and over again to start fires. Piggy was an educated boy who had grown up as an outcast. Due to his academic childhood, he was more mature than the other(a) boys and kept his civilized behavior, but his experiences on the island gave him a more realistic understanding of the cruelty possessed by some people.4.) The Twins Sam and Eric are two young twins who always travel and do everything together. Without each other they are incapable of almost everything.5.) Simon Small, scared little boy. Keeps on perceive the the Beast4.) Two main conflicts1.) Jack Vs. Society Jack couldnt stand taking orders from Ralph anymore. It made him very angry. He didnt like dynamic in the rules that they had either. (He must have felt like this before he even came to the island.) He didnt want to listen to anyone but himself and felt his ideas were the best. He wanted people to listen to him, and do what he said, not follow the crowd.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Learning the Hard Way :: Personal Narratives Climbing Flagstaff Essays
Learning the Hard Way The backcountry of Alaska is one of the wildest places left in this country, an excellent place to study wildlife in its natural environment. To a wildlife Biology major with an overwhelming draw to the outdoors, the chance to study this wildlife would seem to be the opportunity of a lifetime. When this opportunity presented itself to me this past summer, I didnt hesitate to take it. This would be great experience for the career path I am taking and it would give me a chance to take to the woods with professionals in the field of my studies. At the time I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to do some soul searching and overtake quality time in the backcountry before I married next summer. I was expecting this summer to change me as an individual, allowing me plenty of time to reflect on my life. Never did I expect these changes to occur in the way they did. A life changing event do-nothing occur when and where they are least expected. The even in the backcountry of Denali national Park when I made one small misstep would change my life forever. I would learn how strong love can be and gain a better perspective of what is truly important to me in my life. It was mid June, a beautiful cloud subaltern day in Denali National Park. I was hiking deep in the backcountry, with only the millions of mosquitoes to keep me company. I was on the fifth day of a scheduled six day trip, and I couldnt have asked for a better week. Denali, the tallest mountain in the northern hemisphere, became visible for the first time of the year and it stayed out for the duration of my trip. Hiking in the trail less backcountry, where the grizzly bears outnumber the people by more than three to one, truly makes a person feel alone. Walking through the alpine tundra, with tiny little flowers acting as a carpet, I encountered twice as many moose as people on this trip. Never had I felt so alone and been so happy about it. Littl e did I know, that would all change, challenging me to be stronger than I have ever been, both mentally and physically.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
OManjos Last Waltz Essay -- Creative Writing Narrative Essays
OManjos Last WaltzIt was another long week, and I was looking forward to the prevalent summer rituals of mowing lawns and hammering a few nails into any place they expected to fit. I usually closed the auto parts store at 530 and stayed doing paperwork for another hour or so, but not on Fridays. Fridays were the finish line of a usually marathon week of complaining customers and dissatisfied employees. At 531, the place would be empty, dark, and eager for an echo. The old man knew this ritual, and when he came on Fridays, he usually blew in the door around 515. He had been coming in every week for about a year. We didnt know Joes last name, we only knew him as Old Man Joe. We call him OMango, and he didnt seem to know the difference. His hearing was the least of his problems. He peppered his weekly visits over different weekdays, but it was always Fridays that he waited until 515. He makes the usual remarks every eon he sits his old, marshmallow behind down at the counter. Well, b oy? Hed ask. What the hell are you looking at? Im looking at the ugliest, most disgusting, onriest son-of-a-bitch Ive ever seen Was my usual reply. Thats right, and dont deflect it He would hold his dry, cracked hands in fists and shake them at me. Keep it up, boy, and Ill whoop your scrawny little but right here and now. At somewhat time in OMangos life, he was a prizefighter. His nose looked like it had taken more than its share of beatings, so I ten-spotded to believe the story. All the colloquy was, of course, our way of greeting each other. If he did intend to come after me, Id most likely have him pushed out the door before he could collar his oxygen tank over his shoulder. OManjo didnt really need ... ...opened. The neighbors didnt want money for them they were just trying to sort things through, and knew Joe well enough to guess at our trust arrangement. They said Joe died peacefully in his sleep, without pain. I wondered if he just laid in bed listening to that tape over and over like it was some kind of drug and he was a junky. This didnt seem wrong to me. At least Id know that he died happy. I imagined him waking up in promised land wearing his best dance shoes, and bouncing across the ballroom floor. There will always be another customer to fill Joes stool and release remarks at us, but none will replace Joe. When I think about it, I kind of feel guilty that he paid me ten dollars a month to be his friend. It was not a difficult job, but was merely human interaction that somehow becomes precious when its lost. I just solicit OManjo got his moneys worth.
Columbine Essay -- essays papers
Columbine The tragedy at Columbine High School is something that will be remembered and talked about for many years to come. People from across the nation have all heard about this stillt. But there are still a couple questions that hatful have. For instance whos to peck? The kids al unrivalled, the parents for how they brought the children up, or even actually the students at Columbine? Most say that the parents are to blame, but who actually knows? In my opinion the only two people that can actually answer this question truthfully are both dead. Every peerless wants answers. Did the kids have help? Who was it? Who sold them the weapons and why? Why did they do this? How could they do this? I had a class about the last question. Who could actually go into a room and commit a crime of massacre in a drill of people that you know and have grown up with? Most of our class thought that they couldnt ever get enough anger to do anything even remotely as bad, but when you actually think about it, if you had no friends and where made fun of all the time. It looked like your parents, teachers, and even all your own piers where against you. I think anyone could snap and maybe even do something as drastic as this (Why at Columbine High). Did the boys, Dylan Klebold, 17, and Eric Harris, 18, have any help doing this crime. As of to that degree no one has true evidence that proves they did except they did find who sold them the weapons. Police found around thirty small bombs and one twenty-pound propane bomb in the school, enough explosives to blow the school into almost nothing. For this reason people believe that the boys either had to have help or they had visited the school many times to image this assault. No one talking though and no proof has been found. Their not only looking for information from someone that could point to someone that had helped theyre withal looking for someone that had known that this was going to happen, so that they may find t he answers to so many questions (The Colorado Shooting Who Helped). Besides many bombs the police had likewise found a horrible suicide note. Your children who have ridiculed me, who have chosen not to accept me, who have treated me like I am not worth their time are dead. THEY ARE (expletive) DEAD. I may have consequencen their lives and my own - but it was your doing. Teachers, parents, LET THIS MASSACRE BE ON YOUR SHOULDERS UNTIL ... one except investigators and policemen in the school the police finally let them in. Everyone had something to get or look at, since the kids all had to leave their book bags in the school. A make out of the kids despised having to go back to school where many of their friends were killed or even injured (A Sad Homecoming at Columbine High). As of now in the little town of Littleton, the people are decided rather or not to destroy the old library and build a new one, for oer three million dollars. They see the library as a horrible memory s ince ten of the students were killed and thats where the boys committed suicide (Library Approval Delayed). This entire issuance got worse and worse as I read into it. Before now I never knew what was written in the suicide notes that they had written, but now that I do its really unbelievable that a human could think up such a thing and actually do it. Its one thing to think about doing it, but strictly another going through with something so gruesome. I believe all of us feel remaining out sometimes, or maybe just seeing everything go wrong from them and that everyones against them, but I dont see it in anyone to take that hated to these extremes.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Harlem Renaissance Essay -- essays research papers
Marcus Garvey and his organization, the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), represent the largest mass movement in African-American history. Proclaiming a black nationalist "Back to Africa" message, Garvey and the UNIA schematic 700 branches in thirty-eight states by the early 1920s. While chapters existed in the larger urban areas such as New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, Garveys message also reached into small t admits crossways the country. His philosophy and organization had a rich religious component that he blended with the political and frugal aspects. Garvey was born in 1887 in St. Annes Bay, Jamaica. Due to the economic hardship of his family, he left school at age fourteen and learned the printing and newspaper business. He became interested in politics and briefly got involved in projects aimed at helping those on the bottom of society. Unsatisfied with his work, he traveled to London in 1912 and stayed in England for two years. While in London, he read Booker T. Washingtons autobiography Up From Slavery. Washington believed African Americans needed to improve themselves first, showing whites in America that they deserved equal rights. Although politically involved behind the scenes, Washington repeatedly claimed that African Americans would not benefit from political activism and started an industrial training school in Alabama that embodied his own philosophy of self-help. Garvey embraced Washingtons ideas and returned to Jamaica to found...
The Harlem Renaissance Essay -- essays research papers
Marcus Garvey and his organization, the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), represent the largest mass movement in African-American history. Proclaiming a black nationalist " backwards to Africa" message, Garvey and the UNIA established 700 branches in thirty-eight states by the early 1920s. spell chapters existed in the larger urban areas such as New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, Garveys message also reached into slender towns across the country. His philosophy and organization had a rich religious component that he blended with the political and economic aspects. Garvey was born in 1887 in St. Annes Bay, Jamaica. callable to the economic hardship of his family, he left school at age fourteen and learned the printing and newspaper business. He became interested in political sympathies and soon got involved in projects aimed at helping those on the bottom of society. Unsatisfied with his work, he traveled to London in 1912 and stayed in England for two year s. While in London, he read Booker T. Washingtons autobiography Up From Slavery. Washington believed African Americans needed to improve themselves first, showing whites in America that they deserved allude rights. Although politically involved behind the scenes, Washington repeatedly claimed that African Americans would not benefit from political activism and started an industrial training school in Alabama that corporeal his own philosophy of self-help. Garvey embraced Washingtons ideas and returned to Jamaica to found...
Monday, May 27, 2019
“Pet Therapy for Heart and Soul†By Kerrey Pechter Essay
As I read this story, I not only felt caring but also very passionate and a realization that pets have a much larger effect on us besides be our loving companions. In this story, you will find a great understanding for having a pet. Owning something that will give you unconditional love, and who will help you threw your most nerve-racking hours.Pet Therapy consists of animals working with and helping people in ordinary and extreme cases. You will find the author has pointed out how animals bring communicating to love ones easier and much relaxed. In addition, pets can be considered stress reducers and offer a great relationship.In my opinion, this introduction was long and not to the point. Another observation is the two primary(prenominal) body outcomes argon also long and not to the point.I would have broken the two topics to other larger topics to give the reader a regain to focus directly for each one individual point. In example, breaking reaction with elderly people (para graph 1, 2, 3, 4) and reaction with kids (paragraphs 17, 18, 19, 20) into a larger sub-topic Therapy for All Ages. Placing that paragraph mingled with Animal Magnetism At Work and Pets Are Comforting. This change would emphasis the main topic better and allowed for breaks between the two larger sub-topics.The topic does describe the paper, and how animals bring out the best in us. The examples of animals in hospitals (15, 16) relates easily to me with experience working in those facilities. The way this paper is wrote, very well imagination out with the reader in mind. Making simple quotes that gives a background and offering not only reference to the ideas but a description ofeach that can relate to all of us.Pet Therapy for Heart And Soul is a well-researched paper with many quotes and references to the main topic. It also gives great real life examples, where the pets are working as therapy. All this brings the story close to you when you read it, making you wonder what your pe t is doing for you.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
A Review of Fonterra Group’s Strategy and Business Model
Fonterra was formed in the October 2001 merger of the newly Zealand Dairy Group (NZDG), Kiwi Cooperative Dairies, and the New Zealand Dairy Board (NZDB). It has become the populations leading exporter of dairy farm farm products, responsible for over a third of international dairy trade. The Group is co-operatively possess by over 10,500 dairy farmers whose products make their way to guests in approximately 140 countries. Fonterra aims for global dairy leadership and its purpose is to sell their farmer shargonholders milk (Fonterra Co-operative Group, 2011).Analysis of the Dairy Industry using Porters Five Forces Porters first force describes the threat of potential entrants. Barriers to entry and economies of scale are fundamental for new entrants. nonetheless, New Zealands deregulated market structure and relatively low cost might attract entrants as a base of export point tot up and processing. The threat of new entrant is medium (Vallyon, 2003). Porters second force is bargaining exponent of buyers.The New Zealand dairy industry exports 95% of the countrys dairy production. Continued consolidation of food manucircumstanceuring and retailers has the effect of reducing overall numbers of buyers in the industry and increasing their purchasing power (Vallyon, 2003). Faced with the fact that buyers face few switching costs, it is fair to say that buyers have high bargaining power in the industry. Porters next force is bargaining power of suppliers. The dairy industry is a sellers market with global demand exceeding supply.This opens up opportunities for other uprising overseas markets to the industry with suppliers from India, China and Brazil. Fonterra supplies are secured through the co-operatives structure and a significant threat exists if Fonterra fail to make competitive milk payouts to its farmer shareholders (Vallyon, 2003). It is clear that Fonterra suppliers have some bargaining power in the industry. Porters fourth industry force is the thr eat of substitute products. Dairy milk is a unique natural product without any artificial substitutes.However there is development of alternatives including soya milks and non-dairy milks such as goat, buffalo and sheep. Danone, Unilever and Coca-cola have also made significant acquisitions or partnerships with organic milk producers. Although a dairy product, organic milk can be considered as a parallel value concatenation as it requires different knowledge and techniques at each put of the process (Vallyon, 2003). In this sense, the force is low to medium. Porters final force is the intensity of competitive rivalry.As a global leading dairy exporter, Fonterra faces increasing threats as global competitors become aware of its size and influence in the industry. Continued consolidation of industry could see competing dairy re witnessers being merged into larger, more efficient competitors. In the evolution of trade liberalisation, competitors may respond through increasing global harvest-tide strategies (Vallyon, 2003). Hence this force is high. Fonterras Strategies Fonterras task model is a farmer-owned co-operative, widely spread around the vertically integrated New Zealand Dairy Industry.At Fonterra, the goal is to build a business that pays the farmer shareholders the maximum sustainable price for their milk and that maximises profits from the capital invested in the Co-operative (Fonterra Co-operative Group, 2010). To achieve this, Fonterra has three key strategies in becoming the company that is the source of natural dairy nutrition to the world. Firstly they intend to deliver sustainable co-operative performance. With its scale and reach of operations, Fonterra creates enormous logistics complexities.However, when it comes to processing, recent projects like Drier 4 at Edendale (ED4) in Southland are said to be the most efficient milk powder unit in the world. Likewise, in order to optimise the supply chain at home so to deliver product to their cu stomers as efficiently as possible, Fonterra expanded a key cool and dry store logistics hub that has interpreted more than 50,000 truck movements off local roads and has largely eliminated the need for contracted storage around the Waikato (Fonterra Co-operative Group, 2010). This is working alongside with the enhanced use of inveigh to move products around the country.Then elsewhere, the Group has also taken its development online with the launch of globalDairyTrade (gDT), an internet-based auction platform through which sellers offer to sell commodity dairy products (Q&As globalDairyTrade Information Portal, 2011). In 2010 gDT has sold 359,000 metric tonnes on the platform (Fonterra Co-operative Group, 2010). Fonterras second strategic goal is to build trusted grades in chosen markets. Fonterra has a strategy to strengthen their positions in key regional markets where ownership of the supply chain gives a degree of competitive advantage (Fonterra Co-operative Group, 2010).The focus has been on high growth markets within Asia/Africa/Middle East (Asia/AME) and Latin America, and the existing strong market franchises in ANZ. Anlene provides a great insight to Fonterras brand strategy at work. Created in Asia in 1991 to support bone health, Anlene is now the clear number one high-calcium milk brand across Asia. Priced at 30-50% above regular milks, Anlene is a trusted premium brand in the Asia market, which has an expanding middle class that is caring more about healthy nutrition for the whole family (Fonterra Co-operative Group, 2010).Additionally, Fonterra has continually restructured their investment portfolio to ensure they can capitalise on the most promising market opportunities. To support its expansion in Africa and the Middle East, they have purchased the remaining 51 per cent stake in Saudi New Zealand Milk Products (SNZMP), a dairy manufacturing facility in Saudi Arabia, has secured manufacturing capacity to support growth plans in the Middle Eas t. Currently packing Anchor and Anlene milk powders and producing processed cheese, SNZMP supplies 20 countries in the region (Fonterra Co-operative Group, 2010).The third strategy Fonterra have adopted is to grow undestroyable customer partnership with the worlds leading food and nutritional companies. The company looks to improve their ability to source and add value to dairy supply so to strengthen their position as the supplier of choice from around the world. In order to achieve it, they have focused on developing customer partnerships in premium ingredients and in foodservice solutions. Premium ingredients are products that are more advanced than standard dairy ingredients. Examples are nutritional bases for infant formula and growing-up milk powders (Fonterra Co-operative Group, 2010).Fonterra is already the preferred supplier of all five of the worlds largest infant formula companies with stronger demand from their customers to partner them. Key customers have strong growth ambitions and they are looking to Fonterra as a preferred source of high-quality paediatric nutrition products. A premium ingredients category with exciting prospects is pharmaceutical lactose, with Fonterra a world leader in lactose excipients through their joint venture with RoyalFrieslandCampina which develops, produces and markets high quality lactose used in the pharmaceutical, nutrition and food industries (Fonterra Co-operative Group, 2010).
Saturday, May 25, 2019
A Halloween Night Essay
The townspeople next to ours was a little mining town c entirelyight-emitting diode Cheshire. Despite it being a productive and rich mining town, it was well known for the Legend of the Witches Circle. It was said that twelve witches used to live here. At the infatuated of midnight, they would fly around the town, creating nuisance and scaring off any angiotensin-converting enzyme in their path.After many deaths, people fled the town, fearing travel victim to the evil witches. Mining was halted and the town was abandoned. No one has returned to Cheshire ever since.The mood of Halloween was in the air. It was the end of October and large pumpkins were being put out for sale at the farms. Everyone in Saintsbury was getting desexualize for Halloween. Statues of goblins and evil witches could be seen everywhere.It was finally here, Halloween night. The streetlights were not working. Instead, the faint glows of candlelight lined the street. I was a bit old to go trick or treating I had better plans with my friend. prick, a good friend of mine had planned for us to pay a little visit to Cheshire, to prove to ourselves right that the legend of the witches were just a myth.I met up with him downtown and we got what we needed, and set out on the dark winding path through the lumber leading(p) into Cheshire. The noise began to slowly fade by. The forest was strangely quiet that night. I could hear myself breathing heavily. We walked arm in arm, guided by the dim light from the small torch.It was a true Halloween night. The effective moon was shining through the bare branches casting eerie shadows on our path as we walked. A cool breeze was blowing sending leaves dancing messily across the forest floor. I remember thinking to myself that this night was truly the kind that you imagine when you listen to a scary tale. Holding tightly to the individual next to you, just like I was holding Jack as we walked that evening.The path we walked on would take us past the ce metery and end at the crest above Devils Den, where it is believed the witches used to slay their victims every night. We chose this path because of it being the night it was. We were printing young and out for an adventure. An adventure that led us into the heart of the towns legendary witches circle.As we walked past the cemetery a group of mischievous boys came jumping out from behind both(prenominal) tombstones and trees. My heart was in my throat and I felt Jack give a startled jump. Oi, what the hell do you think youre doing shouted Jack. They ran away laughing, off to find their next victim. My I was still looking terrified and when Jack turned to see if I was all right, he started laughing too. whence jokingly, I sent him stumbling backwards over a log into a big pile of leaves from a nearby oak tree. I ran and found a good spot to hide, to do some scaring of my own.I had settled in behind a rock above Devils Den and feeling pleased with myself, waited for the sound of cr unching leaves. I listened carefully, but what broke the silence was not the sound I expected. From below, in Devils Den, I heard chanting. I slowly turned around to see who or what it was that was chanting. Suddenly, from behind, an arm grabbed me. I opened my mouth to scream, but it was quickly covered by a guerrilla hand. As I struggled to get loose I wondered what had happened to Jack and if I was going to die tonight.Reality set in when I heard Jacks voice whispering my name. When I finally settled down, he whispered for me to be quiet before he released his hand from over my mouth. As he released his hold, my eyes drifted down to the strange sight below. Oh my God I said. In the valley below, surrounding a large stone altar, stood twelve figures. They were dress in black gowns with hoods that hung over their faces, giving them an eerie appearance. As they stood encircling the altar their soft chanting could be heard. Soon my body was covered with cuckoo bumps as their voice s softly filled the night air. From the cover of the night we knelt watching in silence. thusly there was silence as a man leading a yes-man appeared out of the darkness. They fix the goat to the altar while a new figure entered the light. In his hand was a large thorn that he carried to the top of the altar then knelt and chanted softly. Slowly he rose, raising the dagger high into the air, then with a loud cry he lowered the blade into the screaming goats chest. With ease he sliced open the goat while it cried and squirmed.Then, as if it was an orange he began to peel its skin from the body. When he had finished he held the head and skin high into the air as if he was praying to his god. He called for power as he placed the goats head in place. The skin was still wet with blood and it clung to his back. Blood covered his face as it ran from the goats head before falling to the ground. Then he turned and spoke to the darkness. A young woman entered into the light and in her arms she carried a small child. There was no prospect on her face as she placed the child upon the altar before turning and walking back into the darkness.The child laid cradled in the carcass of the goat as the leader fell to his knees at the side of the altar. The other twelve, still encircling the altar, continued the chanting. Their cries became louder and louder. Suddenly there was silence as the leader stood. He raised the dagger into the air, a cold dark expression on his face as he again prayed to his god. Just as he was ready to plunge the blade into the child, a scream pierced the night. Their eyes searched the darkness for the intruder and soon all eyes were on me. The eyes of the Death drawing card locked into mine. Then all went black.I woke up with the sensation of heat against my skin. I looked around and saw twelve black figures standing around me. My hands were tied back to a pole and around me was a big ring of fire. Barely opening my eyes, because of the intense heat, I looked for Jack.I could not find him. Then I saw it. On the altar, lay the body of a young man. I tried to stand on my toe to see is he was all right. I felt sick. His body was covered with blood. A deep cut ran straight down his chest.I turned away, not being able to boot out what I just saw. I looked up to the figure sitting next to the altar. It was terrifying. It was the most hideous face I had ever seen. It had a pale chickenhearted skin and had holes for eyes. He stared at me coldly and stood up before reaching for the dagger, soaking in blood, from the altar.I got terrified and struggled to free myself, to no avail. I allow out a scream, as he raised the dagger into the air, his cold eyes staring into mine. I held my eyes shut, waiting for it. Then all went silent.I opened my eyes, much to my relief. Everything was gone, my hands were untied. The rays of sun, arising amidst the clouds, broke the darkness. The altar and fire was gone too.
Friday, May 24, 2019
The Academic Standards of Schools Today
College or technical schools argon supposed to be the gateway to high paying careers, provided approximately are not all that they are bats up to be. The standards and goals that confederation wants met are continually not being met by the students today. Also, some higher knowledge facilities lack the funds to provide positive learning environments for students. For these reasons and many more are keeping the students of today from benefiting fully from schools. baseball club today has to profit some new choices for the students of tomorrow, choices that will carry them into the next millennium.Society can either lower standards so that everybody passes in a way that looses all pith in the real world or raise standards and hence ache them (Barber 479). I personally believe in raising our expectations and doing whatever is needed to meet them. Our countries standards are among the lowest in the world and at the comparable moment as we are transferring our responsibili ties to the shoulders of the next generation, we are blaming them for our own generations most conspicuous failures (Barber 472).Every election family the candidates use something intimately education as one of their platforms, but few ever carry through with them at once they are elected. Most education bills die in carnal knowledge in some shape or another and the ones that actually make it through congress, are usually ineffective because they have been changed and modified to the point of ineffectiveness. Also, many of the learning facilities today lack the funding to provide adequate, positive learning environments for students.Underpaid teachers and professors who make slight than accountants architects, doctors, lawyers, engineers, judges, health professionals, auidiors, and surveyors and thus many student disregard teachers as role models. If people see someone who can score touchdowns or dunk a basketball making millions while their teachers are scraping bunghole to survive, then how can an educator possibly motivate them to learn (Barber 470). Many people heed after their dreams of money instead of seeing the reality of learning.Although society today rates an education as one of their top priorities, they still allow learning facilities to be come up broken and run down. Like animals, children and adults file into buildings with swelled floors, horrible plumbing, leaky roofs and ceilings, and pack into desk, usually 35+ per educator. forthwith the government spends $35,000 a year to keep someone behind bars and only a fraction of that to keep them in school (Barber 475). guardianship, room, and board at most colleges now come to at least $7,000, not counting books and fees. This might be to suggest that the colleges are getting rich. But they are equally battered by inflation. Tuition covers only 60 percent of what it cost to educate a student, and ordinarily the remainder comes from what colleges receive in endowments, grants, and gifts (Bird 498). Its about time we started to provide more money. reinforcement more for education wont solve every caper but no problem can even begin to be solved without it. The so-called higher learning facilities of today are selling students shortsighted when it comes to their education. Properly funding the education system and setting new standards for the future is an important snap off of education reform. Education reform for the US is a brisk part of insuring the future for students and bringing them up to the standards set by other countries.The Academic Standards of Schools TodayCollege or technical schools are supposed to be the gateway to higher paying careers, but most are not all that they are cracked up to be. The standards and goals that society wants met are continually not being met by the students today. Also, many higher learning facilities lack the funds to provide positive learning environments for students. For these reasons and many more are keeping the s tudents of today from benefiting fully from schools. Society today has to make some new choices for the students of tomorrow, choices that will carry them into the next millennium.Society can either lower standards so that everybody passes in a way that looses all meaning in the real world or raise standards and then meet them (Barber 479). I personally believe in raising our expectations and doing whatever is needed to meet them. Our countries standards are among the lowest in the world and at the same moment as we are transferring our responsibilities to the shoulders of the next generation, we are blaming them for our own generations most conspicuous failures (Barber 472).Every election year the candidates use something about education as one of their platforms, but few ever carry through with them once they are elected. Most education bills die in congress in some shape or another and the ones that actually make it through congress, are usually ineffective because they have be en changed and modified to the point of ineffectiveness. Also, many of the learning facilities today lack the funding to provide adequate, positive learning environments for students.Underpaid teachers and professors who make less than accountants architects, doctors, lawyers, engineers, judges, health professionals, auidiors, and surveyors and thus many student disregard teachers as role models. If people see someone who can score touchdowns or dunk a basketball making millions while their teachers are scraping bottom to survive, then how can an educator possibly motivate them to learn (Barber 470). Many people chase after their dreams of money instead of seeing the reality of learning.Although society today rates an education as one of their top priorities, they still allow learning facilities to become broken and run down. Like animals, children and adults file into buildings with bad floors, horrible plumbing, leaky roofs and ceilings, and pack into desk, usually 35+ per educat or. Today the government spends $35,000 a year to keep someone behind bars and only a fraction of that to keep them in school (Barber 475).Tuition, room, and board at most colleges now come to at least $7,000, not counting books and fees. This might seem to suggest that the colleges are getting rich. But they are equally battered by inflation. Tuition covers only 60 percent of what it cost to educate a student, and ordinarily the remainder comes from what colleges receive in endowments, grants, and gifts (Bird 498). Its about time we started to provide more money.Funding more for education wont solve every problem but no problem can even begin to be solved without it. The so-called higher learning facilities of today are selling students short when it comes to their education. Properly funding the education system and setting new standards for the future is an important part of education reform. Education reform for the US is a vital part of insuring the future for students and brin ging them up to the standards set by other countries.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Hamlet †Ghost’s Speech †Act 1 Essay
In the beginning of the play, the reader is introduced to the disorder in Denmark, a prevalent motif. The mysterious death of the king spurred the disorder, and the prospect of revenge was magnified by the supposed appearance of the late King crossroadss ghost. The ghosts appearance and subsequent speech intensify the disorder by indirect the readers suspicion of Claudius as a murderer and an incestuous, adulterous serpent. hamlet is torn by this revelation, and responds with justified drama. Thus far Hamlet had a a few(prenominal) reasons to hate Claudius the ghosts message emboldened e genuinelything he had suspected and even added to it. Previously in Act One, Hamlet had criticized Claudius for a few major grievances for being opportunist upon the death of his father by marrying his newly widowed mother in order to seize the throne instead of Hamlet, for not properly mourning the king by waiting just a month to take his wife, and for acting like an animal by behaving in an inces tuous and lustful manner. By playing on many of the same metaphors as Hamlet and bringing forth new claims too, the ghost- whose word the reader takes as truth- bolsters Hamlets claims.In the ghosts rhetoric, Claudius is an unnatural, murderous serpent.(sc. 5 ln. 43) As a fat weed, his parasitic nature is apparent and matches Hamlets assessment of the situation as an unweeded garden. (sc. 5 ln. 39) (sc. 2 ln. 139) Later, the ghost goes on to describe lewdness courting virtue in Claudius despicable new relationship.(sc. 5 ln. 60-1) To Hamlet and the ghost, the new union is an embodiment of evil though it holds an honorable, royal position. The royal bed is now a couch for luxury and incest. (sc 5. ln.89-90) The queen has been corrupted by wicked wit and gifts and succumbed by what almost sounds like magic. (sc. 5 ln. 51) This too plays on the motif of unnatural existence in Hamlet as exemplified by the ghost.The ghost refers to public opinion as the ear of Denmark. (sc.5 ln.43) By mi sleading this one representative ear, the entire country has been misled.The ghost then furthers the ear resource by describing how he was personally poisoned through his ear. This deception perpetrated by the current king adds to the sense of unrest. The late Hamlet was sleeping within (his) orchard, an emphatically impeccant action, as the juice was poured into his ear and coursed through his body like quicksilver. (sc. 5 ln. 66)The poison tetter(ed)aboutwith vile and loathsome crust. (sc. 5 ln.78-79) This vivid and gory interpretation adds to the sense of decay and discord. As Marcellus put it, something is rotten in the state of Denmark. (sc.4 ln. 100) Then the ghost talks about how that napping time was his secure hour. (sc.5 ln. 68) This describes the feeling of turn that once existed in the kingdom. Now time is cursed and nothing is happens in a proper time because of Claudius unnatural murder.The senses of touch and sight are very important in this speech. The ghost care fully describes how things looked and felt to actualize his feelings to Hamlet and the reader. When describing the queen, he uses a prickly set of descriptive words. She isnt just cave in of a cursed union, she has thorns that in her bosom lodge to prick and sting her, by some heavenly will. (sc, 5 ln. 94-5) Additionally, the description of the poisoning is graphic to advance it personal and real for Hamlet.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Pomegranate story
The internal rate of return was found to be In the range of 57-59 per cent which was overmuch higher compared to the bell of capital (9. 5 percent) and hence highly profitable. Overall, the proposition of growing pomegranate crop was highly profitable as revealed by the pecuniary feasibility tests. Key words Investment pattern, live, returns, pomegranate Introduction per cent of the thoroughgoing area on a lower floor pomegranate in the district. Hence, Chalkier and Hurry talk was specifically selected for the sphere.The top vill boards having larger area infra pomegranate cultivation were selected. The Information on area under pomegranate crop and number of pomegranate growers from the selected villages was obtained from the several(prenominal) village accountants (Total). A proportionate sample of ten per cent of the population from each village was selected randomly. Thus, the total size of the sample selected for the reputation was 120. The average age of the ample f armers in both talk was found to be 44 years and more than 50% farmers depended mainly on agriculture as their primordial occupation.Around 25% tot tatters in the selected talks completed their primary education were as the per cent of illiterate farmer in the selected talks ranged from 12 to 15%. So far as size of family was concerned, it was found to be 7 members in family in both talks. The average size of holding of sample farmers was 2. 30 and 2. 89 ha and the average size of the pomegranate plantations was 1. 58 and 1. 47 ha in Chalkier and Hurry talks respectively. The varieties of pomegranate grown in the study area were Ganges or Baggy type. The range of age of bearing woodlets was 4 to 15 years.The expected productive life span of pomegranate orchard as estimated by the respondents was 25 years. On an average plant population per ha was 375. For analyzing the data collected during the study, tabular analysis and financial analysis were employed. The technique Material a nd methods of tabular analysis was employed for estimating the enthronisation Pomegranate cultivation is practiced through surface the district. Pattern, maintenance cost of pomegranate, pattern of labor However, the large eggshell litigation of pomegranate is use, yield and return structure of pomegranate etc.In order to concentrated mainly in Chalkier and Hurry talk extending know the relative gainfulness of investment in pomegranate on an area of 260 and 628 hectares and forming 20. 08 and 48. 42 cultivation measures of project evaluation namely. Pay Back * Part of M. Sc. (Agar. ) thesis submitted by the kickoff author to the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharma 580 005, India Horticulture is a fast growing sector and expects comparatively lower requirements of water and easy adaptability to adverse soil and waste land situations.The productiveness of fruits and vegetables is of vital importance as it provides higher cash income than cereals per unit of land. India i s one of the leading countries in pomegranate production and more than 1. 32 lake hectare area is under cultivation presently. Out of this, nearly 94,000 hectare area is covered in Maharajahs, which produces fruits of over 1 lake metric tones worth about RSI. 400 scores. In Chitchatted district of Karakas, where the study has been conducted pomegranate is being grown on commercial scale. The area under pomegranate in the district is 1297 ha (10. 9 % of total area under pomegranate in the state). Dry land horticulture is picking up fast in the district. The important horticulture crops grown in the district are pomegranate, Saputo, Beer and Papaya. Study of the political economy of pomegranate production is indispensable since there is no proper farm business data on its cost of production. The accurate figures on establishment cost, direct cost and input requirement of pomegranate orchard could be of great help to the pomegranate growers of Chitchatted district in particular.Theref ore, an attempt was made to study the investment pattern in pomegranate orchard and to compute the cost and returns in pomegranate litigation in Chitchatted district. 164 Karakas J. Agric. Sic. ,24 (2) 2011 Period (BP), Net Present Value (NAP), attain Cost Ratio (BCC), and Internal Rate of Return (AIR) were computed. Results and discussion The cost of establishing a pomegranate orchard up to bearing can be by and large classified into establishment cost and maintenance cost.So, the establishment cost include not only the cost incurred in the zero years that is at the period of planting but also the costs incurred in maintaining the plants till the time of bearing that is up to three years tot planting. For establishing, pomegranate orchard investment NAS to e made on land, considerably, pump set, pump house, plant textile, digging of pits and sprayer and these costs together constituted the material costs of establishment. These costs work to be invested during the year of es tablishment of the orchard and are considered as the costs incurred during zero year in the study.During next three years farmers has to maintain the orchard by applying fertilizers, manures, chemicals irrigation etc. The costs incurred by the farmers on all these items for the three years are grouped together as cost of maintenance. The total costs of establishment (Table 1) were found to be 1,90,888. 1 and 1,89,644. 33 per ha of which material costs constituted 56. 87 and 58. 15 per cent and maintenance costs 43. 13 and 41. 85 per cent in Chalkier and Hurry talk respectively. Similar results were obtained by Giuliani (1990) in his study of the pattern of investment in pomegranate orchards in capital of Burundi district, Karakas.The establishment cost 24,229. 53) consisted of material cost in the initial year (85. 65) and maintenance cost (49. 35%) Upton bearing three years. The material cost included the value of land, plant material, cost of digging of pits and planting, well, pu mp set, pump house, and sprayer. The per hectare total establishment cost worked out to be 24, 224. 53 and returns per orchard was 45,429. 96. The maintenance cost (Table 2) as indicated in the results included the wages of labor as well as cost of materials utilized and fixed costs in Chalkier talk. It was observed that out of Table 1 .Investment pattern in pomegranate orchards SSL. No. Particulars total maintenance cost the major(ip) section was variable cost followed by material cost and fixed cost. Under the variable cost the labor cost formed an important cost accounting nearly 50 per cent of total maintenance cost, since the crops require Geiger amount labor involvement to prefer the important activity like loosening the soil around the trunk and formation of basin, correspond and ward, pruning and training and land preparation etc. Among material cost the major component fertilizers, PC and manure.Since the pomegranate crop is responsively to nutrient and as well as in the recent year the diseases like bacterial blight and anthracnose have created lot of problem hence to control these diseases the farmers have been trying with antithetical chemicals thus the expenses on these items were found to be higher. So far as fixed cost is concerned the rental value of land formed the major cost component and it is observed that because of the higher productivity of the land and crops which are higher profit fronted the farmers to go for renting of land for the production of pomegranate crops.Even for the farmer who has been entering this crop on their own land where imputed the rental value taking into consideration ongoing rental rate the cost worked out to be higher. Since the opportunity cost of land was taken into consideration for calculating the rental value of land,it was found to vary over the years. In Hurry talk, the maintenance cost (Table 3) included the wages of labor as well as cost of materials utilized and the fixed costs. It was observed that variable cost formed an important component followed by material cost and fixed cost.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
What Comes with Old Age?
What Comes with Age What comes to mind when you echo of purport? Do you view life with an ever go lucky viewpoint and are you happy and inwardness? Are you an optimist? Or do you think life is a means to and end with nothing to look forward to scarcely depression and sorrow. In sincere Hemingways story A Clean Well-Lighted Place Hemmingway makes the point that when you get ripened there is nothing but desperation and sorrow to run short for. He does this by showcasing the story between a younger and an darkeneder server working late at night in a well-lit coffee shop where the only customer in the cafe is a very old deaf man getting drunk by himself.The story illustrates through portraying and verbal irony what it means to deal with the harsh reality that everything we are and everything we do is empty. Hemmingway presents both kinds of characters, those that are unaware of the emptiness of life and those that are familiar with it. He does this by focusing on three main ch aracters throughout the short story an old man, a younger waiter, and an older waiter where distributively has a subtly different outlook on life. At the beginning of the story we meet the old man who is sitting at a interdict drinking a brandy just watching the branches of a tree outside.The old man is l angiotensin converting enzymely and drinks by himself. He drowns his sorrows in alcohol. The old man attempts to practice suicide because he is in despair. He tried to commit suicide by hanging himself with a rope but his niece who takes care of him cuts him down. He is in despair and feels unwanted because he is old. His old age shows physical imperfections on his body such as his hard of hearing. He has no one to go home to, and finds comfort drinking in lit places, then home by himself. He is very lonely because his wife died and he has no one to go home to and talk to about his problems or just to keep him company.The old man is also in a good financial position, but regard less of money, he has no will to keep on living. The old mans deafness signifies a physical and mental isolation from the lodge in of the world. The younger waiter only cares about going home to his wife and going to bed so he can go to sleep. He seems to think his time is more valuable than the old mans which is ignorant to think since whos time is really better than someone elses? In the story the two waiters mention that the old man is in despair. When asked what the old man was in despair about the young waiter replies Nothing, because He has plenty of money. This is a distinctive ignorant sentiment shared by youth who believe that money somehow provides happiness thus a meaningful life. The younger waiter does not show any sympathy to the old man or try to understand his feelings. The younger waiter is very insensitive and only thinks about himself. His carriage towards older people is very harsh and he never stops to think that one day he to might be old and lonely. The olde r waiter works at the cafe along with the younger waiter but seems to be more aware of the old deaf mans feelings.He doesnt have anyone to go home to at the end of the night and he doesnt mind working at all hours of the night. The older waiter identifies with the old man because he himself has nowhere to go after work. The older waiter himself cannot find a clean well-lighted place of his own to mind the night. The older waiter is offended by how the young waiter treats the man when he decides to refuse serving the man another drink. This is demonstrated when the older waiter says Why didnt you let him stay and drink? The older waiter has a realistic understanding of the significance of nada, in this world and it actually keeps him up at night. He comes to the realization that life is emptiness, that a mans life means nothing and that his existence signifies nothing to himself, nothing to others and nothing to the universe. ane of the most important topics of this story has to do with loneliness. The older waiter and the old man are very lonely. They both would like to stay at the cafe to escape from reality. Whereas the younger waiter is in a rush to get home because his life and reality isnt filled with loneliness.He has a wife to go home to and he has youth, confidence and a job. The older waiter is very much like the old man except he has a job. The old man feels like he has nothing to live for other than getting drunk, however, life is not tack in a bottle of alcohol. Life is found in experiences and relationship and alcohol hinders these experiences and relationships. This story also talks about other topics including death, futility, and meaninglessness. Hemingway shows these topics throughout most of the words and actions of the older waiter.Life is inherently meaningless and leads unavoidably to death, and the older one gets, the clearer these truths become and the less able one is to impose any kind of order on ones existence or maintain any kin d of positivity in ones outlook. In Ernest Hemmingways A Clean Well-Lighted Place one learns that life seems to get worse with age. Young people seem to be happy and content and think that they themselves will never grow old. The older one gets the immediate the realization is that life is not worth living since it is filled with emptiness and despair.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Anna Karenina
Marital unfaithfulness is condemned by law, religion and lodge in almost any country, more so in late 19th century Russia. In our modern font culture as wellspring, the unfaithful woman gets gr decimateer censure than the man who is guilty of it. This is also the encase in Leo Tolstoys Anna Kargonnina. Oblonsky (Stiva) cheats on his wife, non once barely twice, scarcely he gets no more than a gentle reprimand. Anna Karenina, on the opposite hand, earns severe contempt from society for her adulterous amour with the dashing Count Vronsky.On the surface, Tolstoy himself must dedicate reachd the gravity of her crime and to appease the moralists of his twenty-four hours he had to make her pay for it she commits suicide, crushed beneath an oncoming train. But an in-depth comparison of Stivas and Annas infidelities, seen in the light of Tolstoyan thought, would suggest the author did not intend to condemn Annas deed alone, tho the entire society of his day for its hypocrisy, it s double standard of morality.Discussing the inequality of rights in marriage between work force and women, Pestsov acknowledged that the inequality in marriagelay in the point that the infidelity of the wife and the infidelity of the husband are punished unequally, both by the law and by public opinion. (4. 12). Conservative Russia and as yet contemporary society would tend to look at Stiva with greater understanding and veritable(a) approval. This emerges after a brief comparison between him and Anna vis-a-vis their adulterous topics. Oblonsky (Stiva) intended to keep his infidelities a secret dame found push through near(predicate) his affair with the French governess enumerately by his carelessness.In contrast, Anna flirted openly with Vronsky disrespect knowing Kitty was in recognize with him and was waiting for his proposal. While it was not her fault that Vronsky followed her in the train, let other community into the budding squeeze, she could have discover some degree of decorum or discretion in his affair with the handsome officer, exactly when she did not. The mere fact that Anna and Vronsky remained talking to each other at the little table even in the presence of her husband, at the beginning of their romance, was giveed by the circle of guests familiarize indecorous. (2. 7). Seemingly unable to comprehend, like Vronsky, the gravity of their crime, she opted to ignore the judgment of society, including the elite of St. Petersburg where everyone knows everyone else, everyone even visits everyone else as well as of Moscow who frowned on such dalliances in contravention of the established morals of the day. (2. 4). Karenin became furious all when, against his insistence that she at to the lowest degree observe propriety and decorum, she allowed her sports fan to visit her at their home (2. 22).Alexey, Annas husband, is show as the suffering party. He is pictured as one who is without vices and all virtue, although Anna hates him for it. He refuses to be jealous when his wife is besieged with other men. Giving her all the benefit of the doubt during their marriage, and in advance the affair, Alexey believed a gentleman was not supposed to go down in fits of jealousy, in reference to a womans exposure to temptations from other men, since he could never lower her and himself by jealousy. (1. 6). in spite of his initial abhorrence at Anna for leaving him and her son, he readily forgave her when he thought she was about to die (4. 17). Then as now, people dismissed a mans extra matrimonial affairs in flip overation of his strong nature. Oblonsky thought he could not be faulted for fooling around as he was still modern and good-looking, art object his wife was already past her prime. He was prone to temptation, and at that placefore could not be intimately faulted for succumbing to earthly temptations. He thought his trysts with other women were notwithstanding innocent, harmless pursuits.In contra st, Anna is severely examined for breaking her marital vows. It ignores as of no moment that fact that she married a man she did not get laid, who was twenty long time older and made her life inexplicably miserable. She is condemned because of the perception that she had no excuse for wanting the affections of another, no payoff how unreasonable she may be. She openly flirted with Vronsky, knowing Kitty was in get along with him and awaiting his proposal. To the moral guardians of her day, Anna Karenina was irresponsible, being unable to realize the consequences of her actions.Oblonsky remains his cheerful, confident self despite his marital troubles, even committing another infidelity with a lovely dancing girl despite his earlier avowal of regret, while Anna is physically and mentally devastated on fib of her affair with Vronsky. Stiva considered his flings a mere pastime to escape the ennui of his everyday life, never seriously swelled them some(prenominal) thought. To h im, one can be fond of new rolls when one has had ones rations of bread. He tells Levin, who is unconvinced, it really does so little harm to anyone, and gives oneself so much pleasure. He said he did not count life as life without love. (2. 14). In his mind, Stiva did not rue the fact that he was no longer in love with his wife his only regret, believing she was secretly aware of his dalliances entirely fill up her look to them, was not being able to hide it from her. He was the type who relished his pleasures. He thought thithers something common, vulgar, in flirting with ones governess. But what a governess (1. 2). For Stiva, as with many other men (or even society in general), a sin is not to be ashamed of as long as you maintain a sense of decorum or do it discreetly, calculated about the sensibilities of other people who king be offended.Men are even judge to engage in such pursuits, provided they do not compromise their honor or make a fool of themselves before other s. Such was the reaction of Vronskys mother, the countess, who thought that nothing gave such a finishing touch to a brilliant man as a liaison in the superiorest society. (2. 18). She was also pleased it was Anna Karenina who was involved with her son. To her, the matter became vexing only when she realized that their passion might lead him into imprudence and displease certain connections in high society. Vronskys companion shared the sentiment of the countessHe did not distinguish what sort of love his (Vronskys) might be(he kept a ballet girl himself, though he was the father of a family, so he was lenient in these matters), but he knew that this love affair was viewed with displeasure by those whom it was obligatory to please, and therefore he did not approve of his brothers conduct. (2. 18). Of judgment by society, distinction should be made. There is a circle composed of the fashionable world, to which Anna was attached, that rendered no harsh judgment of her. Vronsky was conscious of the fact that he ran no risk of being blotto in the eyes of Betsy or any other fashionable people. He was very well aware that in their eyes the position of an unsuccessful lovermight be ridiculous. But the position of a man pursuing a married woman, heedless of everything, staking his life on drawing her into adultery, has something fine and grand about it, and can never be ridiculous (4. 4. ). (? ) There was, however, another circle, composed of elderly, ugly, benevolent, and godly women, known as the conscience of Petersburg Society at the aggregate of which was the Countess Lidia Ivanovna.Unlike the first circle which delighted in scandals and sympathized with the lovers, this particular group axiom nothing but the immorality of Annas affair with the count. The first circle tended to condone the lovers, seeing in them reflected their own human race weaknesses. The import circle condemned it, finding the scandal loathsome in the eyes of man and God. Unlike his brother Stiva, Anna totally turned her back on her family to make a new life for herself, not in pursuit of temporary pleasure or thrill as Stiva is wont to do, but in obedience to the dictates of her heart, utterly disregarding convention.Both Anna and her brother found it difficult to fathom the depth of their sins. Stiva believed himself quite low-powered in the face of a woman who loves him but who seeks nothing in return. (1. 2). But whereas Stiva could not rue of his sins because they gave him so much pleasure, Anna and Vronsky cared not at all on how they shall be judged by society because of their total devotion for each other, finding that the passion that united them was so intense that they were both oblivious of everything else but their love. (2. 21).People might be gentler to Oblonsky because he immediately sought forgiveness from his wife when she find the affair it did not once occur to him to forsake his family. As Anna points out to Dolly, men who commit such mistakes consider their families sacred. They may commit indiscretions but they would never seriously consider abandoning their home. Somehow or other these women are still looked on with contempt by them, and do not touch on their feeling for their family, observed Anna, unaware that she too would be judged severely in her future affair. They draw a sort of tenor that cant be crossed between them and their families. (1. 4). On the other hand, Anna left her husband to jazz with Vronsky without the formalities of divorce, earning the bitter ire of society and the church. By tradition, Annas infidelity to his husband Karenin is deemed more haughty in view of the attendant biases, tenets, prejudices and beliefs surrounding their milieu. Infidelity marked the woman as guilty of a capital crime. Vronskys mother judged her a bad woman, concluding that her desperate passions were all to show herself something out of the focal point.The countess condemns her for completely ruining the life of his son and her husband, that her very death was the death of a vile woman, of no religious feeling. (8. 4). Then, a mans pride was considered above all considerations, and an offended spouse was expected to challenge to a duel the man who stained his honor. On the other hand, the unfaithful husband receives only a mild censure. After all, society is not disturbed by his dalliances, so long as these are kept discreet and he does not abandon or neglect his own family. The extemporary dictum of the day, as now, was Do what you have to do, but be discreet about it.We find that there is very little distinction between the adulteries of Stiva and Anna Karenina. Annas crime is deemed, at first blush, more reproachable, but we tend to understand her actuations, her emotions, upon deeper inquiry into her life. A teen charming woman, married to an older man whom she hate for his virtues, is fair game to a dashing suitor. Never having been in love, she can not be faulted that int imately considering her passionate nature, to fall madly in love while forgetting its possible repercussions. Such was the enormity of their love that they heeded not the probing and accusing eyes of society, religion, and the law.At least, the offenders commited everything in the name of their love for each other, and this at least, to my view, mitigates their crime. Of Stivas dalliances he has no saving grace. Oblonsky engages in it purely for the pleasure it brings, not because he is strained by the strength of his emotions. He has the temerity to seek forgiveness when his sole regret was not at hurting his wife but in having been so careless that his letter to his mistress was found. He even used Dollys own money to pay off his debts. Tolstoy depicts the suffering of the man wronged, but he also pictures the offender in a sympathetic light.Vronsky, for all his faults, undergoes suffering because of his forbidden love for Anna he shoots himself in an attempted suicide. He speaks to no one for six months after Annas death, and refuses to eat unless forced to. He volunteers to serve in war, expecting never to return. (8. 4). Stiva looks upon him as a hero and an old friend. (8. 2). In War and Peace, Tolstoy tells of the suffering of capital of South Dakota Bezukhov on account of his wifes adulterous affair with Dolokhov, whom Pierre challenges and wounds in a duel. Tolstoy then depicts Dolokhov, despite his flaw, as the most affectionate of sons and brothers. (4. 5). We condemn the woman, but isnt the man who seduces the wife of another, by the very definition of law and the Commandments, also an adulterer? The protagonists in Tolstoys novels are handsome and dashing counts, princes, and nobles, the unfaithful wives charming and beautiful countesses and women of stature in society, not unenviable rogues and common women. He makes Anna Karenina a most charming, pretty, intelligent, educated woman. That she could have fallen low in the eyes of society makes o ne wonder, for it is commonly believed only ordinary mortals are susceptible to moral corruption.Other than his pre-occupation with the velocity grad, to which he himself belonged, perhaps Tolstoy was driving home a message infidelity is not confined to class or breeding all human beings are vulnerable to human frailty and error. By cogitate on the infidelities of Stiva and Anna, contrasting them with each other, Tolstoy could have been presenting to us his view of the elite of Russian society and their morals, depicted in all their hypocrisy and nakedness despite the glamour and elegance of St.Petersburg and the other cosmopolitan cities where they lived. When we consider the infidelity of Anna Karenina and Count Vronsky against the unfolding of their mutual affection, we nonplus to slowly understand that it would appear to have been foreordained, aided by their temperament and character, their passion and yearning for life, other than a predisposition to commit evil. Vronsky perceives that his affair with Anna had wasted so much condemnation from society because they could not understand it.Vronsky believed that if it were some common affair, people would have cared less. But society became annoyed because it could not comprehend his immense love for her, that the woman is dearer to him than life. (2. 21). While the young men envied him, the greater number of the young women, who envied Anna and had long been weary of hearing her called virtuous, rejoiced at the fulfillment of their predictions, and were only waiting for a turn in public opinion to fall upon her with all the weight of their scorn. (2. 18).Despite her failings, Anna refuses to run away with Vronsky as she did not want to part from her son, terrified of his future attitude when he shall realize his mother had abandoned his father for another man (2. 23). Again, this softens our attitude towards Anna in the same way perhaps, that Dolly warms up to her upon sensing that she, too, has her own weaknesses. Stiva, on the other hand, appears outwardly kind and genial and unselfish to all persons, but his remorseless cheating ought to be condemned the greater, if we are to judge him by the severity with which we judge Anna Karenina.A person who repents does not necessarily have to wear sackcloth and ashes, but he should at least resolve to cease completely from doing that which hurt others. If he insists that he is incapable of repentance, why should he not be guilty of societys condemnation? Anna Karenina, in this regard, would appear to be an indictment of society as a whole, showing the hypocrisy of those who find mirth and satisfaction in every scandal, guarantee that they are not lacking in company.It reveals a community of educated, fashionable, religious, noble persons who cannot stand the unfaithfulness of a woman completely immersed in his love while ignoring the acts of a man who makes adultery nothing but a pleasurable game. Perhaps Tolstoy was asking us not to judge, for by judging others, as messiah warned, we shall likewise be judged.WORKS CITED Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. 22 February 2007. War and Peace. 26 February 2007. Anna KareninaThe novel opened up to an implication of the strife in the Oblonsky household. There was an atmosphere of confusion as everyone was refer about the discovered sexual affair of the Master of the house with the French governess. The wife of Prince Arkadyevitch Oblonsky (Stiva) did not leave her room and it showed how the situation evident with how everything has been deviation wrong.Examples were given to prove establish the confusion and the mess of the situation like the children going wild all over the house, how the house helpers were quarrelling, the man-cook quitting his job and others who were threatening to do so.Stiva woke up on the leather-covered sofa in his study without having to realize that he was not sleeping with his wife until he reached for his dressing night-robe that was not where it should have been, within arms reach of their bed. After which, he remembered his current predicament. The range in this scene how a marital dispute can affect so many people and how more marital disputes can stir the course of the following events in the novel.Kittys big night, the ball, was narrated to be a dream-like event where she was to go down a great staircase, flooded with light and lined with flowers and footmen in powder and red coats (Tolstoy Part 1, Chapter 9). The sound of the orchestra can be heard. Women and men were wonderfully dressed, expensive fabrics and vivacious colors filled the ballroom as people splited to waltz on the dance floor.This shows how Kitty, at the start of the novel was nave in a way as she saw so much romance in the night and how she loved social gatherings like that nights ball. The setting described the ring and excitement Kitty felt before she found out that Vronsky, the man she loved, fell in love with Anna, the woman she adore d.The description of the ballroom and the atmosphere was further elaborated with describing how perfect everything was with Kitty, from her hair, to her dress to her shoes, only to come to a huge turning point wherein she sees Vronskys affection for another woman. The description of how exquisite Anna looked that night, added much weight to the twist that was about to take place, it made Vronskys admiration for Anna like a harder savour on Kittys face.ThemeThe major theme in the novel was about society and family. The second part of the novel gave much emphasis to solidifying this theme through different instances wherein Anna was reprimanded or rigid in a bad light because of a foreseen case of infidelity. It was important for families to stay together, more so during their time as women who are divorced loose a lot of ground in society, while the men do not loose as much.There was one instance wherein the text showed how Anna had three sets of friends in the Petersburg society. There are those who belonged to the circle of her husbands colleagues that seems to serve merely as acquaintances with the family.Another set was concerning the friends in Countess Lydia Ivanovnas circle that Anna soon disliked greatly and the last set was one with Princess Betsy Tverskaya who was the wife of her cousin. from each one set of friend offered much of their opinions about how Anna changed and often gossiped about her and her husband Karenin.Alexey Alexandrovitch, Annas husband, only saw fit to talk to her wife about her behavior with another man upon realizing that others are already talk about them. The confrontation was indifferent for both of them and their relationship changed but they stayed together to avoid any social conflicts.When Anna and Vronsky made love, it was obvious that Anna was distraught as to the consequences of her actions with society and how it will affect his family, even her son.When Vronsky fell of his clam during a race, Anna could not con tain her emotions in public. This had shown her improper affection for Vronsky. She cried as she was so worried about him. Instead of being jealous about Annas obvious feelings for another man, Karenin simply warned her to be careful about how she reacts in public and showed how he valued his social stature more than he did his authentic relationship with his wife.Even after Anna admitted his relationship with Vronsky, Karenin was more preoccupied with protecting his honor. During that time, it has established how people were more concerned about the opinions of society and how they maintain a clean image in public.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Nursing Excellence
The definition of nursing excellence pot be defined in many a(prenominal) ways. What is common amongst all of the definitions of nursing excellence is that providing the uncomplaining with high quality compassionate c ar seems to be the common thread. Florence Nightingale (considered by many to be the first nursing theorist) initiated the elevation of the nursing traffic by educating those in charge of caring for patients and teaching them to use the environment to assist in patient recovery. From that point on, the definition of nursing excellence has been constantly evolving.Virginia Henderson, much like Nightingale, a pioneer in the nursing profession, went on to include caring for the healthy individual as an degree of nursing excellence. in that respect are 7 qualities that have been identified as being the qualities required to excel in nursing. Those qualities are Compassion, Ownership, Partnership, Dignity, Integrity, Knowledge, and Communication (Tomes. C, n. d. ). Nurs es who exemplify all of these qualities have proven to be leaders in their area of practice, displaying qualities that new(prenominal) nurses can look up to and seek professional counsel from.Nursing excellence results in competent, cost effectual high quality care. The push for excellence in the nursing profession is exemplified in The National alliance for Nursing model for education. This model of education prepares nurses to achieve excellence by teaching nurses to fulfill non-homogeneous roles- providing high quality care to individuals, families, and communities teaching effectively influencing public policy and conducting research (The National compact for Nursing, 2006).This model represents the fact that the NLN believes that excellence in nursing starts forwards one graduate from nursing school, and before your very first patient encounter. I agree with the NLNs approach to stress excellence in the educational arena of nursing. There has been an increase interest in nursing as a plump for career, possibly after a lay-off of closing of a persons job. The enrollment in BSN programs has increased by 3. 5 percent from 2008 to 2009 (AACN, 2009). The ability to pass nursing classes doesnt mean that someone can become an excellent nurse excellence must be taught and demonstrated.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Change in Indian Family
Change in the Family structure and Familial relation in India. excogitation Family structure is the way that a household or a family is set up. It is different for every family as families may have single parents, may have both parents or may have meter parents involved. The family is a basic unit of society. The study of the change in the family structure in India is quite complex. With the extend in the urbanization and industrialization, the concept of the family in India, which once created and maintained a common culture among the members of the family, is undergoing change.The family smell or the family structure has remained the integral part of the Indian Society with the spirit of family solidarity. For generations, India has had a prevailing custom of the voice family system. Usu in ally the oldest male member of the family is the head of the joint Indian Family system. He is the one who makes all the important decisions of the family. After the urbanization and the ec onomic development of the country, India has witnessed a break up of traditional joint family into more nuclear like family.Cohen, Yebudi A, in his book Shrinking Households, he said that households have reputedly been shrinking in size for ten thousand years or more , right up to the present , and this is a result of an evolving technology that requires fewer co-operating people to secure food, rear children and look afterwards them. The Objective of Study The specific objective of this study is to understand the change in family structure in India and its familial relationship.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Regions Chart and Written Response Essay
Continued to treat the African Americans poorly. stipendiary poorly wages just cared about having a name and the money. favorable reform movement. Farmers were politically active.SocialGrowth of industries caused a gap between rich and poor in this region. Political views clashed. Labor juncture formed first here. Still had race issues. Segregation and discrimination continued. The Chinese immigrants and the white settlers had cultural differences that lead to clang. Riots and discrimination laws. Gap between rich and poor. A lot of friction. Active labor unionsEconomic or Type of EconomyCenter of the industrialization during the first and second industrial revolution. Producing more(prenominal) than 85% of the get together States industrial products. Very low on industrial output. Had textile mills and entreatwork industries. Agriculture included timber, coal, iron and steel. Little industrial development. Natural Resources was their main thing such as limber and metals. Agri culture as well. Farming and manufacturing.Steel and automotive. Upper states we center of industry, a hub for shipping and transportation. Population ChangeMany immigrants began to come. 1 out of 5 industrial workers was an immigrant. Very high population. African Americans leaving to new factories in the sexual union and middle west for a better chance at good wages and improve theireconomic and amicable standings. Immigrants from China came to the West looking for jobs on expanding the railroads. Sparse Population.Cities grew rapidly.Large numbers of immigrants.Transportation200,000 miles of railroads connected cities by the 1900. The necessity of coal led to mining. Great transportation systems. New railroads stretched as far as Florida. major railroads connected the West to the East.Railroads and Trains contained livestock and grain.Part 2 Respond to the prompt in a well- create paragraph of your own. Be sure to include social, political and economic factors in your respon se and fully manoeuver all parts of the prompt. Explain how the Second Industrial Revolution affected the North, South, West, and Midwest. Which region would you have prefer to live in during this period? Why?The Second Industrial Revolution affected the North, South, West and Midwest mostly by population, thrift, and social changes. Many immigrants came to these regions searching for a better life or inception out information on new technology because of this, it led to a lot of social friction between the immigrants and the settlers of the region. Political views clashed, segregation, riots and discrimination laws were happening while immigrants were coming in.These regions had to work with what they had and what they can use, this created the different types of economy such as industrial, manufacturing, farming, agriculture, etc. I wouldve preferred to live in the northern region because it was more developed in industries and technology.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
The Dangers of Radio Isotopes
Dangers of Radioisotopes when radlatlon collides with molecules In living cells It feces damage them. If the DNA In the nucleus of a cell is damaged, the cell whitethorn bring into being pilecerous. The cell then goes out of control, divides rapidly and reachs serious health problems. Radiation blameing figure The greater the dose of radiation syndrome a cell gets. the greater the chance that the cell will become cancerous. However, very high doses of radiation can polish the cell completely. We use this property of radiation to kill cancer cells, and also harmful bacteria and other micro-organisms.The hazard symbol Is shown on containers of radioactive meanings to warn of the danger. Alpha. beta and gamma radiation The degree to which each different type of radiation is most touch-and-go to the body depends on whether the source is outside or inside the body. If the radioactive source Is Inside the body, possibly after being swallowed or breathed In Alpha radiation is the most dangerous because it is considerably absorbed by cells. Beta and gamma radiation ar non as dangerous because they are less likely to be absorbed by a cell and will usually tho pass right through it.If the radioactive source is outside the body Alpha radiation is not as dangerous because it Is unlikely to reach living cells inside the body. Beta and gamma radiation are the most dangerous sources because they can penetrate the skin and damage the cells inside. hot barbs are penetrating and ionizing and can therefore destroy living cells. Small does of radiation over an extended period may cause cancer and eventually death. strong does can kill Instantly. Marle curle and Enrico Fermi died due to exposure to radiation. Several precautions should be observed while handling adioisotopes. Some of these are listed in the following- 1 .No radioactive substance should be handled with bare hands. Alpha and beta emitters can be handled using thick gloves. da Gamma ray emitters must be handled plainly by remote control that is by mechanical means Gamma rays are the most dangerous and over exposure can lead to serious biological damage. 2. Radioactive materials must be pedigreed In thick lead containers. 3. Reactor and laboratories dealing with and conducting experiments with radioactive metals must be surrounded with thick concrete lined with lead. . People croping with radioactive Isotopes must wear antifertility clothing which Is left in the laboratory.The workers must be checked regularly with dosimeters. and appropriate measures should be interpreted in cases of overdose. 5. Radioactive waste must be sealed and buried deep in the ground. Of3 maneuver ra010actlve stock materlals ana sealed sources In a secured contalner or a secured storage line of business when not in use. A stock material is radioactive material as provided by the vendor and does not take material withdrawn from the original stock for experimental use. Do not leave radioactive mate rials unfastened in an unattended lab, even for a short time, unless the lab is locked.Supervise visitors to the lab. When visitors who are not accompanied by authorized lab personnel enter the lab, find out who they are and why they are there. If you happen that radioactive material is missing or lost and cannot be accounted for, notify EHS no later than the next business day. Keeping Radiation Exposure ALARA (top) The acronym ALARA, which stands for As Low As Reasonably Achievable, means that radiation workers should make every reasonable effort to keep radiation exposures s far below regulative dose stipulates as practical.Adhering to the following practices can help keep radiation doses ALARA. Be familiar with the properties of the radioisotope to be used and with any precautions and concerns specific to that radioisotope and material. (See Appendix B for detailed information about the radioisotopes most usually used at the University). Unfamiliar radioisotope procedures s hould be rehearsed before radioactive material is actually used. Wear restrictive clothing. Wear radiation monitor badges when appropriate. Have all the necessary materials and equipment available and ready at the skip of a procedure.For those radioisotopes with significant remote radiation levels, use remote handling tools, such as tongs, to limit direct handling of stock and sample vials. Survey frequently and extensively. Dont assume that contamination will only be found on the bench top. Clean up contamination in the work area promptly. Change gloves and lab coats as they become contaminated. Work in a hood during procedures using volatile materials such as 1-125 or millicurie amounts of S-35 methionine/cysteine. Cover radioactive waste cans at all times and store waste cans away from areas in which people spend substantial amounts of time.Provide shielding for waste cans with significant external radiation levels. Do not store contaminated materials, including gels, at any desk area. Survey yourself and your clothing when radioisotope work is finished and before leaving the lab. Protective Clothing (top) Lab accidents often involve spills or splashes which can readily contaminate exposed wrists, legs and feet. For any work with an open radioactive source, wear gloves (the ongest length available) a full-length lab coat (worn closed with sleeves rolled down) close-toed shoes.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Critical review of the patient's rapid response to the team policies Essay
faultfinding review of the patients fast response to the team policies of capital of Saudi Arabia Military hospital - Essay Example5 b.1 Early Signs of tolerant deadening .. 5 b.2 Strategy Used in Activating the Rapid receipt Time and Time Spent to Activate Response .. 8 b.3 Time taken to Transfer Patients from protect to ICU and Emergency Cases wherein the Hospital has No Available Bed . 9 b.5 Application of the SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendations) when Treating Acute Patients 10 b.6 Clinical Issue related to DNR (do not resuscitate) in case the Patient is Suffering from Physical Deterioration ... 12 III. Conclusion and Recommendations ... 13 References . 17 Appendix I Summary of Signs and Symptoms wherein the Rapid Response team up should be Deployed ........................................................................................ 22 Introduction To avoid a sudden cardiac arrest or death, health commission professionals should not delay the provision of life support and other related health c ar inevitably of the patients (Williams et al. 2011 Hillman et al. 2005). Published back in 2007 in an article entitled Safer Care for the Acutely Ill Patient, the National Patient Safety Agency (2007) reported that 576 out of the 1,804 hospital deaths were due to diagnostic errors, unrecognised patient deterioration that were left untreated, and problems with resuscitation after a sudden cardiac arrest. Based on the or so recent accident and arrest report coming from the Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES) in England, the number of patients admitted for accident and touch between April 2009 to March 2010 was 15.6 million (NHS 2011). In Scotland alone, the NHS reported that the number of admitted patients who were given accident and emergency run last December 2011 was 129,100 (NHS 2012). As a common knowledge, accident and emergency cases includes not only life-threatening scenarios but also some minor injuries which could be easily treated by the health care professionals. Because of the daily inflows of emergency cases received by each of the local hospitals each day, the standard wait date in UK before the patient could receive health care intervention was 4 hours (NHS 2012). Considering the average waiting hours before each patient could receive health care intervention, this study will focus on discussing clinical strategies used in UK and Riyadh Military Hospital (RMH) to ensure that its health care professionals are able to deliver quality care and treatment to each patient on a incidentally basis. In relation to the significance of rapid response team in saving the lives of the patients who were admitted in emergency department, this study will compare and contrast the rapid response team policies for acute patients in UK and the Riyadh Military Hospital. Established on December 1978, Riyadh Military Hospital (RMH) also known as the Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital is a tertiary healthcare fac ility in Riyadh urban center in Saudi Arabia (RMH 2012). To enable the readers gain better understanding with regards to the effectiveness and differences between the ICU rapid response team in both countries, this report will first discuss the main purpose of rapid response team. As part of critically reviewing the effectiveness of
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Strategic Planning Utilizing the Balanced Scorecard Assignment
Strategic Planning Utilizing the Balanced wag - Assignment ExampleVision and strategy statements often contain phrases such as superior or top class service or excellent product quality and so on. Often, these statements do non provide accurate meaning to inborn and external stakeholders. Through the process of Balanced Scorecard, the management provides a clear-cut definition, for example, the top class service as 97 percent on-time delivery to customers. With this clarity, everyone concerned leave alone focus and put their efforts to achieving the top class service rather than speculating on its abstract meaning. Scorecard provides a platform to translate the strategy overcoming vision barrier. Scorecard creates understandable measurement criteria that guide all employees to achieving want goals.Customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and market share are the critical indicators that inform how close the company is to customers. The brass instrument needs to create the perfo rmance drivers that not only measure the customer perspective but suggests the shipway to improve upon them.Entirely new processes such as product development, production activities, or service capabilities may be considered in this perspective. The organization needs to create the performance drivers that not only measure the internal process perspective but suggests the ways to improve upon them. view Colleges vision statement is Skyline College inspires a global and diverse community of learners to achieve intellectual, cultural, social, economic and personal fulfillment (Skyline College, 2014).Keeping in line with vision statement, several strategies of Skyline are in operation for achieving its goal. To know about the effectualness of the strategies formulated, Skyline has devised several measures such as retention, persistence, all course success, basic skill course success, student-counselor ratio, and many an(prenominal) more. Through these measuring criteria, it is poss ible to know
Monday, May 13, 2019
Attitude Of The Religion To The Witchcraft In America Essay
Attitude Of The Religion To The Witchcraft In America - Essay ExampleTheir research system was multi-staged with the intended goal to find out who the members of Ravenwood are, what they believe and what they did as witches, and what this all meant to them world members of this group on a larger scale.Wicca has one authorised difference with most mainstream religions, it has a, woman-centered, goddess-worshipping, nature-affirming, participative, this-worldly-orientated religion. (69) This is often the polar opposite of religions that envisage God as the all-powerful Male and mankind as his representative on earth with the index to use nature as he pleases. Their research bore this alternative attitude out among the witches of Ravenwood. eyepatch we see the typical God as specialize from creation and man certainly quite separate from God, Wicca is the opposite. The set of images in Wicca are not the male, assertive, dominating ones, but rather the female, regenerative, creative ones of the goddess. Also, another important difference is how the goddess is represented in multiple personas. Whereas God is just God, the goddess can be seen, through umpteen mythic threads through a range of guises as maid, mother, crone, as creator, nurturer, destroyer, as the daughter, wife, (72) and so on.hither instead of God being separate from nature, the goddess is a part of nature. She is found, in the paths of the stars and the changes of the moon, in rabbit-tracks in the snow, in the ceaseless run and turn of the tides. The goddess is in the world, in nature, rather than separate from the world. (73) Furthermore, instead of their only being a few selected ones, such as the priest, who can commune directly with God, in Wicca every(prenominal) initiate, every member is a priest or priestess who can commune directly with the goddess. There is no demand for an intermediary here.The authors feel that the view of Witchcraft in the overall aspect of the sociology of Reli gion has too specify a view placed upon it by researchers. Wicca creates a
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Foucaults Contribution to the Study of Punishment Essay
Foucaults Contribution to the Study of Punishment - Essay manakinThe briefest thing to be said about Discipline and Punish is that it is about how certain people who were subjects of a sovereign became subjects of a new kind. The people in question were lawbreakers, malefactors, criminals--those who were apprehended and punished for contravening the laws of the sovereign. They became and continue to be individuals who, having contravened the laws of societies having redbrick legal structures, undergo complex processing in institutionalized judicial and penal systems that mall on the incarceration of offenders. Discipline and Punish are ostensibly about the change from lawful punishment as brutal monarchical vengeance to lawful punishment as humanized deterrence and rehabilitation. What the book is actually about is the production of subjects through the imposition of disciplines it is about how the process of constant observation, assessment, and control of inmates in the modern penitentiary retraces new subjects through the employment of management techniques that intrude into and govern every aspect of life. still what makes Discipline and Punish more than a study of penalty is its portrayal of techniques employed in the manufacture of these new subjects as those more widely used in the production of the contemporary norm-governed social individual. (Richard Marsden, 1999).Foucaults point in time of departure in rethinking a subject-matter is to impugn the universal, to query accepted knowledge. In applying genealogy to a penalty, Foucault impugns the commonplace view that our present penitentiary-centered penal system is the result of the progressive humanization of earlier, more ruthless methods of relatiative punishment. Foucault begins by discussing how spectacular public punishments and executions constituted a standard procedure for dealing with lawbreakers in the European monarchical order to roughly the mid-eighteenth century.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Children and consumerism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Children and consumerism - Essay ExampleAccording to Schor and Henderson (2008), children piece of tail be viewed through different paradigms. On one hand, children can be viewed as the innocent, nave, and endangered targets of well-informed marketers who have to be protected by legislation in order to save them from oppose messages channeled through the mass media. Proponents of this view oppose all marketing messages that target children and support their physical and wound up regulation in the hands of adults. A different paradigm, that of the empowered child, supports the notion that children have true(p) variants of what they want that should not be affected by adult interpretations (Scor and Henderson, 2008). Proponents of this paradigm, most of whom are marketers, contend that children straight off are far more developed than those of past eras in that they can easily identify lies in advertising messages. According to Pine and Nash (2003), children can easily identify advertisement breaks in their toddler historic period through symbols such as sound effects or logos, which they link with the product. Moreover, they may not be able to differentiate between how they feel about the product being advertised and their attitude towards the product. The interpretation that the advertisement is actually trying to sell them a product may come in the pre-teen years of 11 or 12 years.While both researches have record statistics on studies conducted into child advertising, their respondents do not represent all the nations that are affected by marketing content that targets children. Both of the researches documented by Pine and Nash (2003) and Schor and Henderson (2008) feature participants who come from nations such as Australia, America, Britain, and Scandinavian nations. They do not cite upcoming market trends in nations like Turkey, China, Mexico, or India, in which marketers are increasingly targeting children with messages
Friday, May 10, 2019
Impact of Telephone Technology on Society Research Paper
Impact of Telephone engineering on Society - Research Paper ExampleSpecifically, the upsurge in 3G connections, sustained by the intersection of the current data-enabled devices which permit mobile internet connectivity, ca utilize a huge growth in mobile data use. Currently, an examination of the economic influence of this technological transformation has been restricted by data availability. However, Van (2012) used VNI Index data of Cisco for 14 nations to investigate this concern and he fix a fortified relationship existed between economic growth and mobile data usage per 3G connection. Van also asserts that image the use of mobile data causes the GDP per capita to increase by 0.5 percentage points. Although the effects of telephone give fully been realized in developed markets, telephone technology continues to offer strongly assist exploitation markets. Issa, Isaias & Kommers (2013) who measured the influence of simple telephone penetration on Total Factor Productivity o f a nation a parameter of economic productivity which always reflects the technological dynamism of an economy found out that an increase of 10% in telephone penetration upsurges Total Factor Productivity by 4.2% in long run. Telephone technologies add considerably to GDP growth. It is projected that the technology will reason a 1.8% GDP growth in UK and 24.9% GDP growth in Egypt across 2010-2020. Again, Issa, Isaias & Kommers (2013) claim that the relate will be great in developing nations. They claim that the impact of increasing phone subscriptions, across 10 nations.
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