Monday, September 30, 2019
Torn thread
The setting in the story Torn Thread written by Anne Isaacs was taken place in Bedizen, Poland, and Parachutist, Czechoslovakia, where the characters were forced to move to a Jewish ghetto. Main Characters: The main character in this story was Eva who is twelve years old who was forced to spin thread for the Germans and had to look after her sick sister, Rachel. The minor characters in Torn Thread are Rachel who was always sick with colds, coughs, high fevers, and shortness of breath.Rachel was very ill and was taken to the hospital frequently. Another minor character was Eve's and Earache's father who was taken away from them when they were taken to the Jewish ghetto, Things I Learned: In the story Torn Thread I learned that the Mans took young and Innocent Jews and forced them to do heavy labor and live In Jewish ghettos. I learned that the Nazis killed people that were too old or unhealthy to work anymore. I also read how the guards of the camps would swear and hit the prisoners w ith clubs and rifles if they ere angry.So practically saying they would beat someone just to get their anger out. Another thing learned in this story was the Nazis blamed everything on the Jews since they hated them so much. Significance of the Title: I think the author chose Torn Thread as the title for this story because Eva was forced to spin thread to make blankets and uniforms for the Germans. But her life is getting harder and torn apart hence the title Torn Thread. Plot: The story Is set In a Nazi labor camp during World War II.After her older sister Rachel is taken by the Nazis and transported to a labor camp, Eve's father arranges for her to also be transported to the same camp so that she can look after her sister and so that, no matter what happens to the rest of the family, they will be together. Because he works as an accountant for the Germans, he has learned that Jews are being sent to concentration camps to be exterminated, and he hopes that he will be able to save h is daughters by insuring their place in a slave labor camp.Eva finds Rachel at the Parachutist camp, and together they survive the work they were forced o do adding on to taking care of each other. Changes in the Main Characters: Throughout the story Eva and Earache's relationship grew stronger with each other. When Eva had to take care of Rachel, Rachel realized how much her sister cared for her. Rachel and Eva than started helping each other through the difficult times and became closer In their relationship. Eva became more brave and Intelligent as the story progressed. Rachel became more caring and brave like Eva did.Personal Torn thread was a powerful work of fiction. It explains the horrors of the Holocaust and how brutal it was at the concentration camps. I enjoyed reading this book because I like learning about history and how it was to live back then, especially for the Jews. If I were to ask a question to one of the characters I would ask Eva how she felt when having to le ave her father and if it was hard taking care of her sister by herself.. Torn thread was an exciting novel written about the Holocaust, I would recommend it to anyone looking for a fictional story about the Holocaust.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Portable Players Essay
The innovation set by the Walkman has lead to the creation of different portable media for music listening. This paved the way for the consumers to forever change the way they listen to music (Bellis 1). In fact, the Walkman is considered to be the main catalyst which prompted many companies to re-invent their products to become handy and mobile. Previously, music and news were only confined in big mechanical boxes sitting inside a living room. No one ever imagined that a bulky listening device can actually be turned into something which will fit right into one’s pocket. The Walkman, with an offshoot of portable CD players, has greatly modified the way people establish their lifestyles. The establishments of portable media players, especially those which can play music, have increased a form of mobility for consumers. Practically, it is very obvious that people are now freer to work on other matters even while listening to their favorite tunes. For most cases, this can equate to greater productivity values in day to day activities. Moreover, having a portable listening device such as a CD player makes one’s feelings more invigorated. This can deliberately affect his outlook towards the tasks he is going to do. Aside from that, it is very likely that the convenience of having a portable media player can increase the ability of a person to interact with other people. On a personal note, the presence of portable listening devices is actually a two-faceted situation. On the positive side, people now have the option to bring along the music wherever they go and whenever they may demand for it. Portable media have truly become one convenient way to integrate an entertainment platform defying the limits of previous generations of bulky and impractical music devices. This enriches a person’s point of view because of the fact that he can actually make his life enjoyable by listening to his favorite music anytime. On the other side however, having portable media can actually spell some drastic effects towards an individuals’ personality especially when the use of such devices become uncontrollable. One reason why mobile music players have a positive effect to a person’s social life is the fact that they can satisfy the personal needs of people. For example, if one needs to relax a bit out of the daily routine work, then a simple click and popping of headsets to the ears would sustain a change in mood for the better (Weinberger 1). However, it is also possible that such person, with the right addiction level towards music, may forget that he is still actually a part of the greater social structure. It is very possible that he will tend to interact less and less with other people, become unproductive at work or even modify an attitude towards obsession. Add to that the fact that portable music players pose a certain degree of health risks. Personal stereo systems may actually induce hear loss with extended use according to Canada’s Minister of Health. Even the Media Awareness Network is concerned about having music which promotes racism, discrimination and violence which makes it more available to portable players. Technology is one of the main factors for the development of human society. But sometimes, there are also some consequences that it may induce for people to change their outlook in life, personal feelings and overall philosophy. In such a case, it is important that each person has the capacity to limit himself towards becoming a slave for technological advancement in which social interaction perspectives maybe compromised. As of the moment, the portable music players are still doing its job to satisfy the entertainment hunger of the people. It is only a matter of personal evaluation to help an individual look beyond the excitement of having a mobile music treasure box and see other consequences it may bring. Works Cited Bellis, Mary. â€Å"Sony Walkman. †About. com. 2008. 27 Feb 2008 . Health Canada, â€Å"It’s Your Health. †Minister of Health. 2006. Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada. 27 Feb 2008 . Media Awareness, â€Å"Inappropriate Content in Music. †Media Awareness Network. 2008. 27 Feb 2008 . Weinberger, Norman. â€Å"Musica Research Notes. †Musica. uci. edu. 1996. 27 Feb 2008 .
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Response Paper of Meditation Four, Five, and Six Essay
Descartes talked about the true and the false, and how we make mistakes in Meditation Four. Descartes believed that error as such is not something real that depends upon God, but rather is merely a defect. And thus there is no need to account for my errors by positing a faculty given to me by God for this purpose(546). He thought that the reason why we make mistakes is that the faculty of judging the truth, which we got from God, is not infinite(546). When Descartes focused more closely on more closely on himself and inquired into the nature of his errors, he noted that errors depend on the simultaneous concurrence of two causes: intellect and will(547). He didn’t believe that God ought to have given us a greater faculty of knowing than he did(547). So we cannot make no mistakes like God. Then Descartes raised a question that can he complain that the will or free choice he have received from God is insufficiently ample or perfect(547). After using paragraphs talking about it, Descartes perceived that the power of willing is not the cause of his errors, for it is most ample as well as perfect in its kind(548). This idea is similar to Augustine’s ides in On Free Choice of the Will. Then he thought if he held off from making a judgment when he do not perceive what is true with sufficient clarity and distinctness, it is cleat that he was acting properly and not committing an error(548). In the end, he said he would indeed attain it if only he paid enough attention to all the things that he perfectly understand, and separate them off from the rest, which he apprehended more confusedly and more obscurely(549). Descartes talked about the essence of material things and prove that God exists again. Descartes said that it is obvious that whatever is true is something, and he have already demonstrated at some length that all that he know clearly is true(550). Then he thought that it is obvious to anyone who pays close attention that existence can no more be separated from God’s essence than its having three angles equal to two right angles can be separated from the essence of a triangle(551). So existent belongs to the essence of God. Descartes can no more think of God as not existing than he can think of mountain without a valley(550). Actually, I do really agree with Descartes’ prove process, even if I do not agree with some of his conclusion. I think the way he prove things is rational and logical. He thought we should raise some ideas which he has no doubt about it. Then he use them to prove things. It just like what Euclid did in Elements. Raise some Axioms first, then use them to prove all others and build the whole system. Elements presents them in a single, logically coherent framework, making it easy to use and easy to reference(3). But the key point to get a true conclusion and build a logical system is to find the correct Axioms or foundations. I have to say that Axioms or foundations changes because of the religion and the development of science. For example, the Axioms of the theory of relativity are different from the classical physics’ Axioms because human know more about the nature. Descartes thought that necessary existence belongs to the essence of God in Meditation Five, and take it as a foundation. But there must be someone does not think so. He thought that because of his brief. But someone may not believe in God. I think Axioms or foundations might be various depends on individual difference and timed difference. But I think if you can raise your own Axioms or foundations build a logical system and make sense, it well be good for sure. We cannot get the truth straightly, it just like we climb up cockle stairs. And all Axioms and foundations and knowledge systems which are built by different foundations does contribute to achieving the truth. Without the old foundations and the system built by them, we cannot have new recognizing and raise new foundations to build new system and approach the truth. Works Cited Descartes. â€Å"Meditations on First Philosophy. †Classics of Western Philosophy. Cahn, Steven M. 8th Edition. Cambridge, IN: Hackett Pub, 2012. 47-79. Print. â€Å"Euclid. †Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. , 10 June 2013. Web. 7 July 2013.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Honesty in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Honesty in Business - Essay Example That will â€Å"satisfy†the customers and also attract them. Through that, by preserving â€Å"reputation†and â€Å"relationship,†(Reilly p. 2) business will gain a steady momentum. What we â€Å"do†and â€Å"say†will definitely affect our value in the long run? So winning someone's trust through honesty is quite important. When someone trusts us, we need to prove that we are trustworthy. We have three major components to build this kind of a trustworthy relationship in business. And they are: â€Å"doing right things†; â€Å"doing things right†(Reilly p. 2) and doing these â€Å"proactively.† Earning a â€Å"social credibility†is necessary to embed some â€Å"value†in the customers' heart. Determining whether one is going to run long is to be done today. Doing right things articulates ethical behaviour. Doing things right is about good management. And the third thing is simply cautiousness and prep aration. (Writer's inference) â€Å"Honesty encourages competition on the merits and prohibits competition by Cheating†(Frankel p.21). Honesty doesn't rule out competition in business, which is good as far as excellence is concerned, but it encourages a healthy ethical competition which is even far better. â€Å"America†for example which has put an effort in this venture of â€Å"honesty†and the result has been astounding. â€Å"The socializing of industry from within on a higher ethical greatly needed†(Gintis & Khurana p.27) â€Å"Business ethics†is another facet which we must not oversee or ignore. It highlights the â€Å"virtues†that must drive us in business.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Clinical immunology (ELISA TYPES) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Clinical immunology (ELISA TYPES) - Essay Example Figureure 1: The targeted antigens that are found in the wells are attached to the labelled antibodies where substrate is added in order to form a reaction with enzymes conjugated antibodies form a yellow colour in case of positive results and for negative results, blue. Monoclonal antibodies are obtained from single B-cell clones and they one biding site only that can recognize a single epitope of the antigens. These are prepared through the use of specificity desired by the hybridoma technology that is used to develop cells that are immortalized which can secrete the immunoglobulin desired (Nairn, 2002). On the other hand, the polyclonal antibodies come from immunised animals, obtained from various B-cells and they have heterogeneous collections of binding sites that help to recognize different epitopes (Kindt, 2006). Sandwich ELISA; certain monoclonal antibodies are found attached to walls of microtiter plate where the serum specimen is put to the wells so that they can be tested for complementary antigen’s presence. Where the antigen is present in the given specimen, it binds the monoclonal antibodies. The other antigens or molecules that are not bound, by the monoclonal antibodies are then washed away. Enzyme conjugated antibodies also known as secondary monoclonal are added and they are washed without any bond. The reason is that the enzymes that are conjugated to the monoclonal antibodies have receptors that are designed in such a way that they produce colour changes in the event that substrates are added. In the event that the antigens suspected are present, a complex of primary monoclonal antibodies, antigens and enzymes conjugated antibodies are formed and they will cause colour changes after substrates are added. The final results are then measured using optical technology. Colour does not change to yellow if the suspected antigens are not present where a
Read the assigned readings and answer questions regarding gram stain Essay
Read the assigned readings and answer questions regarding gram stain and lab safety - Essay Example Clothes on fire should be dropped or the person should roll to smother the flames. At the eye wash station your partner should your eyes wide open on a running water. I will incorporate the above safety precautions in my laboratory by ensuring that their posters with guidelines and instruction at every working area in the laboratory. I may also take some time to address my lab mates on safety precautions. A technician may use  physical state , chemical composition, and purpose, functional type as made to differentiate different bacteria. Physical state media involve the use of non reactive physical substances such as water to nature the bacterias. Chemical reagents may also be used as in the case of chemical media. Microbiologists have many types of media at their disposal. The purpose / functional type may be employed as in a complex bacteria case. One should always have a protective gear, should wear proper clothes, one should care about his hygiene by not bringing food into the room, one should always consider all the materials he or is handling to be harmful. They should also know fire exits and fire drill procedures so that in case of fire the escape, be familiar with all lab process before carrying out any exercise this because some processes are too dangerous, lastly they should keep the working area clutter free and clean to enable easy access to all equipments hey need and also to avoid more injuries in case of an accident. One is not supposed to smell, touch or taste chemicals they may have negative effects on the persons health, youre not supposed to do experiments on your own because a mixture of chemicals may be explosive, never eat in the lab because the food may get contaminated with the chemicals and never add water into an acid this is because it will react explosively. The gram stain procedure distinguishes between gram positive and gram negative groups by coloring the cells red or
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Organizational Culture and Organizational Communication Essay
Organizational Culture and Organizational Communication - Essay Example Toyota is renowned for its production process, and its innovative management policies and culture. Toyota created and implemented the Just-in-Time method of inventory, which was revolutionary in nature. This concept has proven quite successful for the company. I am truly fascinated by this organizations managerial attributes and culture, which is why I chose to write about this organization. The culture at Toyota, described as ‘The Toyota Way’ is the core that drives the success of this organization. It lays out clear objectives for operations, Total Quality Management (TQM), customer service, employee management. Moreover, it aims to create a harmony amongst all the objectives. Even the logo of Toyota, is a symbol of how these values amalgamate. As we know, the Toyota logo consists of 3 ovular rings. The first ring symbolises the heart of Toyotas customers. The second ring symbolises the care taken by Toyota to manufacture its products. The third ring which joins the other two rings symbolises the joining of customers with their product and creates the ‘T’ of Toyota. (Appendix) Up to the Challenges: Toyota believes in creating value through their production process, and thus delivering high quality products and services to their customers. They plan on creating long term visions which can overcome possible hurdles. Moreover, they believe in accepting challenges and excelling in them through careful analysis before any decision. Kaizen: It means to improve in Japanese. This concept urges the employees of Toyota to keep improving and innovating through learning, creating sound infrastructure and, by promoting education within the organization. It believes that this will help deliver better and improved goods and services to the customer. "Something is wrong if workers do not look around each day, find things that are tedious or boring, and then
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Israeli Zionism vs Palestinian National Movement Essay
Israeli Zionism vs Palestinian National Movement - Essay Example How is the present day situation related to this piece of information is a question many critics attempt to address with great difficulty because the matter has reached complexity. After the war of 1948, Israelis outnumbered the Palestinians in Jerusalem and from here the Zionists’ intrusion into Palestinian politics started taking place. Zionism itself is a cause for which the Israelis are willing to fight for the rest of their lives (McDowall 1989, p. 146). It has been quite some time but the conflict has still not ended. There could be only one reason why this is the case. Either the Israeli Zionism has incrementally taken an extremist direction, or is it because the Palestinian nationalist movement has proved to be ineffective. After the exile Israelis settled in Babylon and Egypt; places which were rich resources and provided a better living to them as compared to the limited resources that they had in Palestine. They were however exposed to the idol worshipping nation s which went against their religious tenets and it reminded them of the freedom to practice their religion back in the pre-exile era. They attempted to return to their lands only to receive hostility from the Arab world mainly the Muslims and Christians who were aware that Israel could no longer possess a land. The concept of a homeland has become a myth for the new arrivals in Palestine and totally depends upon who is representing the image of the land to the next generation. The Jews have taken over many lands and want the rest of the Palestinian population to move out of the land to seek opportunities elsewhere because they cannot and do not want any non-Israeli to work under them. Hence, removing the Arabs from their lands which they have owned ever since the Israelis were exiled has not been an easy job for the Zionists. Reconciliation has been attempted ever since the Israeli-Palestinian conflict erupted in the late nineteenth century (Pappe 2005, p. 224). When it comes to the conceptualization of the future solution of the conflict between the two nations, there is always one side of the story narrated, subject to the British, American, Israeli and UN opinions. Less is heard about the Palestinians who are the subaltern. Before 1930, the British made an attempt to create a small community for Jewish people in the land of Palestine with the intention of establishing a â€Å"joint homeland†. Surprisingly, this proposal shifted to partition of the two communities in the mid-1920s. Hence, it was when the Palestinian leadership agreed to consider the joint federative structure in 1928 that the real conflict began. This offer was refused by the Zionist leader in the first attempt but tactfully accepted in 1947 with the intention of establishing itself next to an Arab state. The reason that compelled the Zionists to demand for a partition was the rejection from the Arabs and the refusal from the Palestinian force (Pappe 2005, p. 225). After the war of 19 48 erupted, a new mediator was appointed by the United Nations to propose a solution to end the conflict. Count Folke Bernadotte suggested that there should be a partition of the land into two states and Arab Palestine should be annexed to Transjordan. This seemed to be suggesting a free Arab state with Jerusalem as the
Monday, September 23, 2019
Classical Music, Beethoven, Verdi, & Wagner Essay
Classical Music, Beethoven, Verdi, & Wagner - Essay Example The word Romanticism originated from the age old chivalry and adventure which was rooted in the Middle Ages. Beethoven was much taken by the ideals of the enlightenment and by French Revolution in Europe and he believed in universal brotherhood. The Romantic Period consisted of the aesthetic approach, especially in literature, and other art forms. Beethoven was called a Romantic by his contemporaries such as Spohr and E.T.A. Hoffman. However, he was influenced by the Romantic Folk Idioms and he set dozens of Romantic poems for voice, piano, and violin. It was quite amazing that when Beethoven created his masterpieces, he was in distress burdened with many personal problems. But despite the conflicts in his life, he remained committed to the art and his legacy to the music form will ever remain unsurpassed  Giuseppe Verdi, who was more than a composer, was a dramatist, and an artist who used music as an instrument to convey the art of classical drama. His contributions to Classicis m were 28 Operas, which were purely dramatic compositions. â€Å"No one would ever accuse Giuseppe Verdi of being a classicist at heart but his string quartet has this same view at its heart-- it is an intimate home entertainment. Along with his 28 operas, Verdi wrote a famous Requiem and Four beautiful Sacred pieces for choir, a handful of occasional pieces string quartet, not only his one piece of chamber music but his one and only piece of purely instrumental music.†(Mendelssohn, Verdi, Dvorak, 2002).Â
Sunday, September 22, 2019
General Motors Essay Example for Free
General Motors Essay General Motors Company, known as GM, was founded in 1908 in Flint, Michigan by William C. Durant and Charles Stewart Mott. The present chairman and CEO is Daniel Akerson. Akerson joined GMs board in 2009 as the company went through a bankruptcy reorganization. He became CEO Sept. 1, 2010, and led GMs 2010 return to the stock market  at the time the largest initial public offering in U.S. history (Detroit Free Press, 2013). The headquarters for GM is presently located in Detroit, Michigan. GM specializes in designing, manufacturing, marketing and distributing cars, trucks and vehicle parts. The brands under GM include Chevrolet, Buick, GMC, Cadillac, Baojun, Holden, Isuzu, Jie Fang, Opel, Vauxhall and Wuling. GM employs over 200,000 people and has 396 facilities on six continents. GM is divided into five business segments: GM North America, GM Europe, GM International Operations, GM South America and GM Financial. The two biggest markets for GM are the U.S. and China. According to Dan Akerson they continually do well in both markets and are making further progress in their European business (General Motors, 2013). In July, 2009, GM filed for bankruptcy. Later that year, GM emerged from a government backed Chapter 11 reorganization. Then in 2010 GM made an initial public offering (IPO) that was one of the world’s largest and helped them to return to making a profit later that year. An IPO is a type of public offering where shares of stock in a company are sold to the general public. Through this process GM, a private company, became a public company. Because of t he bankruptcy GM had to start from the beginning and figure out what caused them to go under previously and what they needed to do to become a top organization again. With the start of the â€Å"new†General Motors they were starting over so they created a new clearer vision and a new business model. As of 2012, GM was ranked among one of the world’s largest automakers. The company’s total worldwide vehicle sales were 9.3 million (The New York Times, 2013). GMs net revenue in the second quarter of 2013 was $39.1 billion up from $37.6 billion in the second quarter of 2012 (General Motors, 2013). Since their bankruptcy GM has been reporting record profits and has steadily climbed back up the ladder with customer satisfaction and productivity. Akerson said, So, here we are four years out of bankruptcy and weve made $25 billion (before taxes and interest). I think thats more than the companys ever made in a four-year period (Detroit Free Press, 2013). The company’s progress is indicative of a new business model that begins and ends with great vehicles. GM leveraged their resources to maintain stringent cost management while taking advantage of growth and revenue opportunities around the world, to ultimately deliver sustainable results for all of their stakeholders (General Motors 2010). Being one of the biggest markets for GM, General Motors North America (GMNA) has been a key contributor in bringing in a profit for the whole organization. They currently have 5,000 dealerships, 34 plants and employs over 68,000 people. The profits reported for GMNA for the second quarter was an adjusted EBIT of $1,976 million compared to $1,891 million for the same period a year ago. Total net sales and revenue was $23,495 million compared to $21,552 million for the same period a year ago. For the six months, the company reported adjusted EBIT of $3,390 million compared to $3,533 million for the same period year ago. Total net sales and revenue was $46,474 million compared to $44,727 million for the same period year ago (Bloomsburg Businessweek, 2013). The current president, Mark Reuss, of GMNA has recently revamped the organization. Attached is a copy of the previous organizational structure and the new structure. The old GMNA consisted of a vertical structure which is a hierarchical structure with many levels of authority and the jobs were grouped by function into departments. They were divided into different in dependent automakers. Each independent automaker was operated differently and competing with each other. The competition among its own independent automakers and lack of centralization was costly. When they restructured after the bankruptcy, GMNA adopted a flatter structure where accountability is key. The new structure is centralized and unified; a team versus several individuals working towards common goals. With this structure GMNA is running in a more streamlined manner and it’s a more cost effective way of running there organization. GM has a diverse listing of employment opportunities. The positions range from engineering and manufacturing positions to Human Resources and Research positions. According to several employees, past and present, GM provides great pay and hours. GM promotes employees to further their education and training. The work environment was fun, friendly and like working with family. Working in the plants many of the employees had to do shift work and heavy manual labor this didn’t seem like a deterrent they still enjoyed the job and the coworkers. The environment appears to be open when it comes to management and employee interaction. The CEO Akerson is a strong believer in management by walking around. Everywhere hes been you see pictures of him with employees. Hes a reminder that management is a contact sport, Merten says (Detroit Free Press, 2013). The reviews were mostly all positive. The only negative things that seemed to keep popping up were the long hours and the stress to meet deadlines. GM has enlisted their customers and employ ees to send them ideas to help improve vehicles, sales, marketing, etc. and they act on the ones that will improve their ability to serve the customers better. GM has come a long way since 2009. With the reorganization changes they have become quicker and more decisive so the customers’ needs are met and they are producing reliable vehicles. It seems like GM really is getting back into what they are best at; building vehicles and serving their customer’s needs. References Detroit Free Press. (August 5, 2013). General Motors CEO Dan Akerson Shares Top 9 Leadership Lessons. Retrieved August 21, 2013. Jones, Gareth R. George, Jennifer M. (2013). Essentials of Contemporary Management. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. General Motors. (July 25, 2013). Investors: Earnings Releases. GM Reports Second Quarter Net Income of $1.2 Billion. Retrieved August 21, 2013. nt_pages_news_emergency_news_072513-q2-earnings.~content~gmcom~home~company~investors~earning-releases.html General Motors. (2010). General Motors Company 2010 Annual Report. Retrieved August 21, 2013. Indeed. (2013). GM Employer Reviews. Retrieved August 21, 2013. Bloomsburg Businessweek. (July 25, 2013). General Motors North America, Inc. Announces Earnings Results for the Second Quarter and Six Months Ended June 30, 2013. Retrieved on August 22, 2013. The New York Times. (August 21, 2013). General Motors. Retrieved August 21, 2013.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Planning and development of BMW in Malaysia
Planning and development of BMW in Malaysia BMW Group is one of the worlds largest premium carmakers and BMW is also the parent of the company of BMW MINI and Rolls-Royce car brands, and, formerly, Rover. BMW headquarters in Munich, Germany. The company slogans in English are The Ultimate Driving Machine and Sheer Driving Pleasure. BMW was founded by Karl Friedrich Rapp in October 1913. Automobiles, motorcycles and financial services are three segments that operate by BMW and they manufactured the first passenger car running by hydrogen. BMW manufacturing is plant in Germany, Austria, UK, USA, Mexico, South Africa, Egypt, Brazil, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and also Vietnam. BMWs main competitors include Acura, Alfa Romeo, Audi, Cadillac, Infiniti, Jaguar, Lexus, Mercedes-Benz and Volvo all of this are consider luxury brands of the car products. Nowadays, BMW is support by 11different types of series.( Knozolvilag, no date) According to the research, shown that there are 2 new divisions for BMW been introduce in October 1, 2007. Which are corporate and brand development will be lead by the director of corporate planning this is focus on the vital for brand management, corporate planning, and strategic implementation BMW. Second, purchasing and supplier network that headed by Dr.Herbert.Diess. The purpose are to reduce the material cost and expenses factor. (Nina Mendioli, no date) 1.2 LATEST FINANCIAL SITUATION 2010 BMW Malaysia economy continue to growth and sales up to August growing by 7.1% from 2,635 units to 2,893 units and are expected that reaching a total sales figure of 4,000 vehicles by the end of the year. So the financial overview BMW Malaysia consider in a well and positive situation. (, 2010) *All in euro million *Sales: unit 2007 Net profit: 1,184 sales (automobiles): 1,551,490 cost of material: 36,638 (BMW, 2008) 2008 Net profit: 384 sales (automobiles): 1,446,055 cost of material: 34,044 (BMW, 2009) 2009 Net profit: 202 sales (automobiles): 1,231,893 cost of material: 28,300 (BMW, 2010) Overall the company performance, let see from net profit for automobile BMW from 2007 until last year 2009 are decreasing, especially around year 2008 in UK and US BMW company are hits by credit crunch (Chris Reiter, 2010); this are the reason of decreasing of net profit. But the sales for automobile are actually decreasing but not tat much are around 5 to 10% from 2007-2009. Next, for the cost of material for year 2008 to 2009 are decrease around 15 to 20%. 1.3 BMW MISSION STATEMENT BMW worldwide mission statement is: The mission statement up to the year 2020 is clearly defined: the BMW Group is the worlds leading provider of premium products and premium services for individual mobility. (BMW education program, 2001-2010) 1.4 BMW CORE VALUE AND MARKET SHARE BMW is a world tops luxury car maker so they have their own financial core value which is ULTIMATE CARE to build up and maintain the customer relationship bye offering all-sided financial and insurance service. Uniqueness through diversity Leadership Teamwork Involvement in community Mutual respect Associate growth development Taking risks Excellence through quality innovation Courteous FAir Responsive Efficient (BMW financial service,2007) 2010 of April managing director of BMW Malaysia announced: they are confident with 2010 years sales and market share and will be better than 2009 because BMW already perform very well on 2009 although economy is downturn and BMW730Li and BMW Individual 760Li is launching so this make them more confident. (Nurul, 2008) 2.0 MARKET SITUATION 2.1 SECTOR TREND In Malaysia, BMWs main competitors are Mercedes, Audi and Lexus. In 2008 have been reported that sales are rise 32% compare with 2007. First seven months of 2009, BMW Malaysia sold 2,048 units compared with 2008 is 2,133 during the same period. So on for the first quarter 2010, Malaysia sale 967 and increase 14.0%. Malaysia BMW is doing very well for the moment. (Business time, no date), (EUGENE MAHALINGAM, 1995-2010), (Horatiu, 2010) 2.2 PESTEL The external audit are contain with PESTEL which are political change, environmental effects, socio-cultural change, technology change, Economic, and also legally in Malaysia. (FRANCES and STEPHEN, 2003.) The political change effects for BMW are actually not much. Overall of the political are actually have no impacts for BMW in Malaysia. Unless if we assume that the Malaysia politic suddenly become worst and confusion like: Thailand as an example, then it will directly effect BMW as no people will buy this luxury car at the suffering time while politic in the country is not stable. Because if the politic is not stable and always demonstrate everywhere in Malaysia, Malaysian will feel very dangerous and like taking a risk driving so expensive car while the car may just sacrifice on every time. Environmental automobile companies have to show that they responsibly use the available resources and care about the environment, so that wont pollute or damage the environment. In Malaysia, people are starting to have awareness of environmental issues and many company start to do go green for their company. BMW reduced plant emissions and vehicle consumptions, which required improvements in engine technology and aerodynamics. The BMW Group has a program call EfficientDynamics are to reducing the consumption. (Anonymous, 2000-2010) The socio-cultural are all about demographic, culture and attitude. In Malaysia, nowadays the age that the new generation starting working are mostly after college or University that mean age around 22 to 23 year old. So most of the people only start working and have specific amount of saving after working. So, it will be quite a time for younger people to buy BMWs car. The occupation is very important that because of the highly cost to purchase BMWs car, so people must have a successful job and image to afford before buy the car. The genders who afford to buy BMWs car are mostly male because quite many % of female in Malaysia are housewife so impossible to consume BMWs car without income. Location where have more people buy BMWs car are citizen because the income are optimize compare with villager. Technology for BMW in Malaysia its shows that the fields of security and alternative energies, e.g. hydrogen, electricity are the part that they focus on now. It also shows that in the automobile company we need to put a lot of efforts and invest into the RD. Technology is becoming the reputation of the vehicles and automobile manufacturers employ the use of technology by adding gadgets into their motors as an example are the BMW 7 series iDrive. To increase the engineering and the quality of the models, BMW use an advance technology on it. (Anonymous, 2000-2010) Economy is first about the reducing of the car demand because of the increasing of the petrol price. Next, if the economy in Malaysia goes down this will also affect BMW indirectly because will happen unemployment. The economy goes down and many peoples loss their job and have no income so that is impossible for Malaysian to purchase BMW luxury car during economy make everyone suffering. But for this moment Malaysia are not facing this problem yet. Apart of that, the inflation is also giving effects for BMW. Legally the legal factor is all about environmental protection law, employment law, and taxation policy. It is pollution control and remediation and to protect the environment and ensure that the BMWs car is not giving any negatives impacts to the environment in common sense. The employment law also very important in which it is all about relationship between employee and employer, and is to protect the right of the employee. Example: woman law, working hours law, labour medical law and etc. Any changes of the employment law that are not fair may affect the workers and directly affect BMW organization operation. 3.0 COMPETITOR SITUATION ( BMW AND COMPETITOR SWOT ANALYSIS) 3.1 BMW SWOT ANALYSIS Strength: The product development on the core platforms keeps its various brands distinct. BMW is one of the most successful multi-national brand premium car manufacturers. It is independently owned by BMW. BMW is the only car manufacturer possessing three non-overlapping premium car brands in the portfolio. BMW always want to be the best and keep focus on RD by number of the new models the group has released over few years. Weakness: Fail to enlarge the range because of the pricing are expensive and majority of the consumer are fail to afford it. BMW Company is associated with luxury price product. Highly cost in Germany headquarter manufacturer that affect the company profitability, and BMW still have not that much manufacturer in lower cost country such as Thailand, Vietnam and etc as what we can see now many of the competitor most of their manufacture are moving to the lower cost country. To maintain the BMW cars maintenance cost is heavy. Opportunities: Based on secondary data, China is ranks as third largest market for BMW 7 series luxury limousines. Dealers expand to many countries. Huge demand for smaller car in market Globalization expand and entering into the new market. Many potential in the Asian for the BMW market. Threats: The pricing of the oil is going up higher and higher once upon the time. The price of the raw material of the car is increasing and then offset the company earning. Dropping of the dollar against the euro being threaten to undercut BMW top line and so that decrease the profitability. The government policies of exchanging rate. Quite strong competitor like: Mercedes, Audi, Lexus. 3.2Competitor SWOT analysis (Mercedes-Benz) most direct competitor Strength SUV bumper Famous brand name like BMW More than 80% of the model still on the road Mercedes car resale are still valuable Successful F1 team Mercedes have roadside assistance connection Fuel cell concept to increase range and power for earlier version Weakness Building time Pricing too premium JIT (just in time) Waiting time Opportunities Joint venture Development of the new model Professional sport sponsor Environmentally car concept Maybach design concept Threats Entrance to new market Little to no experience BMW competitor, luxury small car with cheaper price 4.0 OBJECTIVE 4.1BMW SMART objective Malaysia Specific, measurable, achieving, realistic and time-based for the objective of BMW are seek to where would we want to go. It is very specific to example: profitability objective and promotion objective. BMW clear that what specific that they want to achieve, quantify the objective, it must be achievable and also realistic for the resources like money and people to achieve the objective and when do BMW want to achieve. FINANCIAL OBJECTIVE Sales volume objective 2010: Increase to around 10% to over 1.4 million units. Full year EBIT margin: Over 5% expected for automobile. Financial service: Earning more than last year (2009). Return on equity over 18% in 2010. Sales volume objective 2012 ¼Ã… ¡five-year plan of achieving annual sales of 1.8 million vehicles. CUSTOMER AWARNESS For individual customer service: Provide premium services for individual mobility. Customer relationship: Ultimate care and build up customers relationship by starting provide all-sided financial and insurance service. SOCIETAL OBJECTIVE Societal objective: Take care of the environment by doing more on RD, create car which are environmental friendly which are now the whole world concerning. Objective until 2020: BMW Group is the worlds leading provider of premium products. 2020 objective BMW: Reach annual sales of 2 million by 2020. 5.0 STRATEGY 5.1 CUSTOMER ANALYSIS BMW IN MALAYSIA There are three steps in the customer analysis which is fall into segmentation, target market, positioning. In the segmentation section BMW Company need to do for the psychographic segmentation, behavior segmentation, and profile characteristic to help the company to do the targeting more effective. The lifestyle and personality is group into the psychographic segmentation. Lifestyle and profile in Malaysia is depending on what are the persons occupation, and the family background. If they are professional and paid by the company very high salary or the family is rich and the parent can afford to buy the BMW car, and BMW rank as one of the top luxury carmaker. Research shows that the main market for the BMW is actually more than 65% of sales at Europe and North America, but Asian market is actually a big market. So this show that not most of the Malaysian can afford to buy the car but only some of the Malaysian that who can afford and the BMW lovers will be able to buy BMWs car. Beha vior segment are benefits sought and perceptions and beliefs. The person who able to purchase BMWs car may have successful image or very high income monthly, or they may want to have a modern, sport and luxury looks. Some of the Malaysian that who can afford to buy BMWs car are because of BMW brand superiority, performance, reliability and quality. (SlideShare, 2010). Furthermore, in Malaysia driver who can afford to drive BMW also depend on their place, in the city we can see more Malaysian driving BMW rather than rural location. It will still have but lesser if compare with city. Targeting is come after segmenting and it is very vital in the segmenting, targeting and positioning. BMW have a high competitive, the main manufacture that BMW compete with are as discussed before to name a few are Mercedes, Jaguar, Audi, Lexus, Porsche and etc. The products that other competitors manufacture produce have similar price, product, quality and image. Most of these competitors are special and valuable brands, and they use differentiated strategies to produce large ranges of cars and have same product life cycle with BMW. Each of these companies sells car with different brands image, Jaguar is seen as a luxury, reliable and quality producer that BMW also do the same thing but on the other hand Alfa Romeo is famous with their stylish and performance breed but unreliable car from the research. (SlideShare, 2010). Inside Malaysia we can see most of the gender who drive BMW still male more compare to female and the design are more suitable to boy compare to female although we can still see female driving BMW as long as they able to purchase it. In the positioning stage, we can position that in Malaysia most of the male can purchase BMW than female depend on their successfully of their occupation or image and also family background are one of the big reason. In the city of Malaysia have more people drive BMW than village and the competitive is actually not a very big affect for BMW because BMW brand have already build up for quite a long time and most of us can identify BMW logo on the road and BMW have it good reputation and high and trusted quality in Malaysia as well. So BMW operate has seen as a good and loyal consumer at the market they operate. 5.2 MARKETING MIX IN MALAYSIA The marketing mixes are 4ps (product, price, place and promotion). The most important thing in marketing mix is product. In an organization, to ensure their successful, they must first have product that can satisfy consumer desire and satisfaction like: BMW is car. As a marketing people, we need to develop a product into the brand and create single position in mind of customer. BMW present models are: BMW 3 series: sedan, coupe, convertible, touring and compact. BMW 5 series: sedan and touring BMW 6 series: coupe and convertible BMW 7 series: sedan BMW Z4 : Roadster BMW X3 : SUV BMW X5 : SUV BMW M : convertible and coupe (BMW Assignment, 2010) When each BMW product have been developed and introduce to market, we need to know a product life cycle. Any of the products are actually have a life cycle including car. So, we need to develop a car clearly know that where and when the product will be growth, mature and decline. PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE CURVE (NetMBA, 2002-2010) BMW know that the importance to making sure not all the product will at maturity level, so this might be result in the products beginning to decline which at the same time. Normally the product has a period of time to launch and take several years. When this series car going to mature level and the company will start to get something new to delivering the consumer new satisfaction. As an example: BMW company launches X5 at year 2000 and they launch new series of X5 at 2006. Next, BMW 3series, it 7 years life cycle and 7series for 7 years only for the first models life cycle was longer to 9 years. It is clear that BMW is spread over a period of time a life cycle of his 3 products. Many of the BMW cars need to manufactured, designed, and launched to ensure the car is attractive within the quality. Next, is the pricing for BMWs car in Malaysia. The pricing are from approximately RM203,800.00 to RM1,388,800.00. There are many factors that can affect the car price of car because of the engine size, motor sport version and etc. Example: the pricing strategies that have been used by BMW for the 3 series version. BMW 320d M SPORT price from 255,800.00, BMW 320i from 236,800.00, BMW 320i COUPE from 289,800.00, BMW 320i M SPORT from 248,800.00, BMW 323i from 275,800.00, BMW 325i CONVERTIBLE from 439,800.00, BMW 325i M SPORT from 309,800.00, BMW 335i COUPE M SPORT from 498,800.00. According to the research, most of the competitor like: Audi, Alfa Romeo their 3 series are also around the same price. The reasons are car industry is too big and not so important for the production cost and it is not necessary to earn a large profit. (CAR PRICE GUIDE 1995-2010), (SlideShare, 2010) The placement for BMW is also very vital. There are more than 10 dealers that we can find in Malaysia. Auto Bavaria ( Glenmarie, Johor Bahru, Kote Kinabalu, Kuantan, Kuching, Penang, Segambut, Sungai besi) , Ingress Auto, Lees Motor Auto Care, Sapura Auto, Seong Hoe Premium Motors and Tian Siang Premium Auto. The dealer which is nearer to the consumer place will be chosen and give the best services. BMW operates in more than 100 countries and with approximately 4000 plus dealers which are authorized to sell BMW new used car, parts and after sell service product are provided for all the BMW customers. (SlideShare, 2010), (BMW Malaysia, 2004). The process of BMW distribution: Manufacturer Dealers Consumers To do the promotion for BMW, on 28 October 2010 BMW have already introduce New Auto Bavaria which is the largest premium automotive dealership in the Southern Corridor of Peninsula Malaysia. By adding more dealers in Malaysia will also helping in promote BMW brand indirectly. (Sashi Ambi, BMW Malaysia, 2004) Malaysia BMW also does product planning, advertising and promotional activities. Planning campaign done to increase the sales volume. Event launches for the new models car. Below shows the advertising/campaign slogans that used by BMW: Slogans used: Positioned itself as the brand with the unique benefit of a luxury car that provides an exhilarating driving experience with advertising. The Ultimate Driving Machine. (Ezzy Get A Car, 2008-2009) Time frame: Established itself over time from its introduction in US market in 1974. Ran for 15years, overall brand-focus on prestige. (Ezzy Get A Car, 2008-2009) Next, promotion have been done also example: limited edition on 24 January 2010 are offered for the coming Chinese new years it involved (3 series and 5 series). In 2009 January 10and 11th, the open house is also invite all the peoples to join and offering attractive financing packages, cultural delights and Ang Pows worth up to RM888 (terms conditions apply) and BMW also offering interest rates from as low as 1.38% as a promote activity. Unbeatable interest rate of 1.38% from BMW Credit also offered by BMW if purchase limited BMW 5 series editions, BMW 523i Executive Edition and etc. (Ezzy Get A Car, 2008-2009) 6.0 FORECAST AND IMPLICATION IMPLICATIONS According to the BMW annual report shown that, from 2003- 2006 the net profit after minus the lost for last year is increasing. From 2005 to 2006 the net profit is increase around 28% and 2003 to 2004 are increase around16%. (BMW Group, no date). Only come to year 2007 to 2009 the company net profit is decreasing because of credit crunch issues. (Chris Reiter, 2010) But come to 2010 year assume that company margin can be increase around 10 %; and believe that after the economy straighten up 2010, their annual report for coming year 2011 and 2012 will be slightly increase from 5% to around 10% for their net profit and sales for automobile. I assume that on 2010 BMW Company sales of automobile (unit) will achieve to 1.4 million and until 2012 they hope to achieve to 1.8 million. So I assume that on 2009 to 2010 the sales (unit) automobile will increase 15% to achieve this 1.4million number and on 2011 to 2012 it will be increase around 16% to make it 1.8million for the sales (unit) of automobile. In short, will became the leader in the premium car manufacturer industry soon and create car which are more environmental friendly within 5 years. Conclusion In short, BMW is multinational companies that are considering very successful in the market. Many country have their dealer that already listed on the essay and their car are consider famous and premium concept are already key in to the whole world consumer concept. BMW car are now represent the status of a person, so they should have a very good marketing plans, strategies and new concept to compete with their strong competitor and continue to improving and make them better. In addition, with all the different PESTEL and 4ps as well that need to analysis deeply accordingly to the differences of country and so meet the local culture and local people need. Apart from that, it is very important for a company to do a proper company strategy. A company need to do a good segmenting of which segment of their products should fall into and then targeting who is their target market. Positioning come after targeting, a very good company needs to have a very good position in the target market. Following by the forecast their objective, must they clearly define what objective they need to achieve on which year (what and when). Next, work together with all the staff in the company and so the dealer to achieve it if possible. Lastly, by doing this all ways to make sure that BMW can stand last longer in the market and continue to produce quality car for the consumers in the market all around the world.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Mother-Daughter Relationship in Toni Morrisons Beloved Essay -- Toni
The Mother-Daughter Relationship in Toni Morrison's Beloved In Toni Morrison novel, Beloved , the author creates a mother-daughter relationship in which the mother Sethe, out of love, murders her daughter Beloved to free and protect her from the harshness of slavery. Because of this, the baby ghost of her deceased daughter haunts her conscience and is later resurrected to further torment Sethe about her act of love. From the time she slits the throat of her infant daughter and until the end of the novel, we are associated with the justifications of Sethe's actions and become understanding of Morrison's use of this conflict to recreate history in relaying the harshness of slavery in this time period. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The sources of this intricate mother-daughter relationship spurt from Sethe's undying love for her children, a love so strong that causes her to kill her two-year old daughter and in turn for Beloved to haunt her with a "powerful spell" that parallels the powerful love Sethe has for her (4). The complexity of this conflict heightens when the reader takes i... Mother-Daughter Relationship in Toni Morrison's Beloved Essay -- Toni The Mother-Daughter Relationship in Toni Morrison's Beloved In Toni Morrison novel, Beloved , the author creates a mother-daughter relationship in which the mother Sethe, out of love, murders her daughter Beloved to free and protect her from the harshness of slavery. Because of this, the baby ghost of her deceased daughter haunts her conscience and is later resurrected to further torment Sethe about her act of love. From the time she slits the throat of her infant daughter and until the end of the novel, we are associated with the justifications of Sethe's actions and become understanding of Morrison's use of this conflict to recreate history in relaying the harshness of slavery in this time period. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The sources of this intricate mother-daughter relationship spurt from Sethe's undying love for her children, a love so strong that causes her to kill her two-year old daughter and in turn for Beloved to haunt her with a "powerful spell" that parallels the powerful love Sethe has for her (4). The complexity of this conflict heightens when the reader takes i...
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Essay --
2.1. Role of Demographics in Plastic Card Usage However, much of the literature has been focussing on demographic factors as significant variables in selection and usage of payment mode. In Singapore, Gan and Maysami (2006) found that credit card selection is based on the convenience, economic, and protection. On the other hand, factors like travel convenience and reputation of the card are less important in credit card selection in Singapore. By analyzing the demographic factors, researcher found that the people with better education and high income give less importance to economic-promotional factor while choosing the credit card. Old age and married people give more weightage to convenience protection, while Singaporean males give more value economic factor and females give value to promotion. Additionally, other researchers have examined the effect of demographic variables on the adoption of alternative payment options. Borzekowski, Kiser and Ahmed (2006) analyzed data from 800 individuals, and found that debit card usage is d ecreased with age and increased with education. Moreover, the usage is more common in women than men. In addition to this, research also revealed that individuals have a tendency to increase the usage of debit cards when they expect financial stress in the future. A study, based on Krishnagari India, found that issuance of credit card has increased during past five years and majority of sampled credit card holders have positive attitude toward the credit cards. Reasons for this positive attitude are availability of funds in emergency through credit card and shopping without paying cash. Demographic variables that significantly affect the attitude of credit card holders are family income of credit card hol... ...rnational students owe on all their credit cards, whereas, it does have significant positive impact on number of credit cards international students have. Moreover, country of origin does not have significant effect on credit card ownership or number of credit cards, but it does have effect on outstanding balances international students owe on all their credit cards. Also, Themba and Tumedi (2012) focused on the credit card ownership and usage in Botswana, and their association with demographics and attitude towards debt. The consequences of the study discovered that those who own more cards are more likely not to pay their outstanding balances in full. Results also showed that only age and gender seem to be significantly related to attitude towards debt where the youth and females are more likely than other demographic groups to have negative attitude towards debt.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Temptation of St. Pigsy, final paper :: essays research papers
Cacophonous Interpretations of the Buddhism is one of the prominent and influential religions and philosophies of the world. A basic tenet of Buddhism is that worldly desires and possessions cause all suffering. To absolve one’s self of necessities beyond basic human survival is one of the many plateaus that Buddhists strive to achieve. Furthermore, Buddhists free themselves from temptation via seclusion from society and attempt to allow nature to support them. They believe that Nirvana, the ascension to heaven, can be achieved by freeing oneself of earthly desires. A young prince named Siddartha, who grew up rich and happy, founded the religion. One day during his travels, he saw three things that immensely impressed him, to the point of changing his whole life: a cadaver, a baby being born and a beggar. Through this experience he concluded that human suffering is caused by the desire to possess; that the sacredness of human life was tarnished by material wants, and by possessions that could so easily be taken away from their owner. The beggar was poor because the rich did not provide him with the basic necessities or because he spent his time doing things that prevented him from supporting himself. The cadaver’s death could have been prevented depending on the cause of death in many different ways, and the infant, being brought into the world, was to have a life of poverty due to the fact that his mother and father gave in to the natural, worldly desire of sexual intercourse. Throughout history, many works of literature have been written about these notions. Saint Pigsey, the main character in Wu Ch’eng-en’s â€Å"The Temptation of Saint Pigsy,†is a demonstration of the difficulties encountered on the road to the achievement of Buddhist Salvation. Pigsy is a disciple of the Buddhist master Tripitaka. Tripitaka, Pigsy and two other disciples, Monkey and Sandy, were on their way to the West. Pigsy still has worldly desires: he is carrying a large baggage which contains possessions which he deems necessary for his comfort, but bitterly complaining because of its weight, and seeks to stop at a comfortable estate to sleep. Any person who is new to a religion experiences temptations to break its rules. This was one of those times for Pigsy and he insisted that the group stop there. Monkey and the others come along but proclaim that nature is their home and that the house is a symbol of human desire.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Black Death Essay
Around 1330, a horrible plague was reported to break out in China. Trade between Asia and Europe currently was frequent, and in 1347 rat-infested ships from China arrived in Sicily, bringing the disease with them. Since Italy was the center of European commerce, business, and politics, this provided the perfect opportunity for the disease to spread. To the Europeans, it seemed to come out of nowhere and kill everyone in its path. The bubonic plague, as it is called today, continued at 10-year intervals throughout the Middle Ages. It spread rapidly for a variety of reasons. Poor living conditions were probably the number one factor in the passing of this disease. People believed that washing themselves would open their pores and let the disease in, so bathing was rare. This of course, as we know today, only excelled the spread of the bubonic plague. The bubonic plague had extreme effects on the demographics of Europe. The worst epidemic claimed the lives of nearly 25 million people, all in under five years. It took at least two centuries for Western Europe to regain its population. Urban populations recovered quickly, in some cases within a couple years, through immigration from the countryside because of increased opportunities in the cities. Rural population recovered itself slowly, because peasants left their farms for the cities. This time period in which the plague spread and killed so many people was known as the Black Death. The Black Death had major effects on Europe. Wars stopped and trade slowed considerably. People were forbidden to gather in groups and religious services were suspended. Homes of infected people were sealed off to protect others from the plague. Businesses shut down their doors, having a huge impact of the economic aspects of Europe. Many people fled to the country to get away from where they thought was the hot spot for the plague. The bubonic plague changed the political, social, economical, and religious aspects of Europe forever and had an affect on the way things are today. There were many consequences to the increases and declines of population and European society. People fled to the city because everyone around them way dying. So many died, in fact, that it had major effects on the population in Europe, which, in turn had effects on many aspects of society. Farmers who had provided food for people were fleeing and food was scarce. Government, trade, and commerce virtually came to a halt. No aspect of European society was not affected by the coming of the plague and by its duration. The demography of Europe in the late middle ages can be easily related to overpopulation in the modern world. Poor living conditions due to overcrowding led to the rapid spread of the bubonic plague. If a plague was ever to break out in such places like China, Africa, or any other 3rd world country, it would be devastating. In Africa there is a major epidemic or the Ebola virus. It is still running ramped throughout the country, and it is not treatable by antibiotics. Poor living conditions contribute to the deadly position of this virus, and science has no known cure. If it was to ever spread to America the impact would be great and might be similar to the consequences of the bubonic plague in the middle ages. Overpopulation and overcrowding lead to poor living conditions which then lead to the rapid spread of any disease that may happen to come.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Cybercrime Definition Essay
What is this Cyber crime? We read about it in newspapers very often. Let’s look at the dictionary definition of Cybercrime: â€Å"It is a criminal activity committed on the internet. This is a broad term that describes everything from electronic cracking to denial of service attacks that cause electronic commerce sites to lose money†. Mr. Pavan Duggal, who is the President of and consultant, in a report has clearly defined the various categories and types of cybercrimes. Cybercrimes can be basically divided into 3 major categories: 1. Cybercrimes against persons. 2. Cybercrimes against property. 3. Cybercrimes against government. Cybercrimes against persons: Cybercrimes committed against persons include various crimes like transmission of child-pornography, harassment of any one with the use of a computer such as e-mail. The trafficking, distribution, posting, and dissemination of obscene material including pornography and indecent exposure, constitutes one of the most important Cybercrimes known today. The potential harm of such a crime to humanity can hardly be amplified. This is one Cybercrime which threatens to undermine the growth of the younger generation as also leave irreparable scars and injury on the younger generation, if not controlled. A minor girl in Ahmedabad was lured to a private place through cyberchat by a man, who, along with his friends, attempted to gangrape her. As some passersby heard her cry, she was rescued. Another example wherein the damage was not done to a person but to the masses is the case of the Melissa virus. The Melissa virus first appeared on the internet in March of 1999. It spread rapidly throughout computer systems in the United States and Europe. It is estimated that the virus caused 80 million dollars in damages to computers worldwide. In the United States alone, the virus made its way through 1.2 million computers in one-fifth of the country’s largest businesses. David Smith pleaded guilty on Dec. 9, 1999 to state and federal charges associated with his creation of the Melissa virus. There are numerous examples of such computer viruses few of them being â€Å"Melissa†and â€Å"love bug†. Cyberharassment is a distinct Cybercrime. Various kinds of harassment can and do occur in cyberspace, or through the use of cyberspace. Harassment can be sexual, racial, religious, or other.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Global Importance of English
Language plays and important role in human life. Out of all the languages in the world, English is considered as the international language. There are some reasons why English is so important and many people attempt to learn it. I'd like to share the reasons in my point of view. Sri Lanka is a developing country and everyone has to learn English because today everything seems to be English. When we consider about education in Sri Lanka, children are forced to learn English starting at preschool in order to make their English better. English is added as a compulsory subject in O Level examination and in A Level examination in SL. Sri Lankan universities are conducting almost all the studies through English medium. After completing a university degree it's time to take up a professional course and of course those professional courses are in English medium. So I think you have to have a very good knowledge of English to be educated and to shine in the society. The next fact I'm sharing with you is finding a job in this competitive society. Every boss is looking for qualified, talented, smart and confident employees. For example if you apply for a high class job and when you go for the interview, do you know what kind of employees are going to be hired up? Obviously as I mentioned above qualified, talented, smart and confident employees with fluent English. Why English is so important to find a job? because we already know that people deal with others in English language especially in the business world, scientific world and other. So what my point here is that you can't get a pretty good job or a promotion without knowing proper English. How do we communicate with others people in foreign countries who do not speak our mother tongue? The answer is using English because everyone knows at least a little English. English helps to raise up tourism because its easy to communicate with the foreigners. Just think about how hard would it be to keep tourism in each country if tourist guides and the tourist didn't know at least a little English. English language makes the things go easier that's what I think. Books! A massive quantity of books are written in English language so you must know the English language to gain some knowledge, to learn something new or to read more. Even Sinhalese books are translated to English language so that foreigners can read and enjoy and on the other hand foreign books which are not written in English are translated to English language so that anyone who knows English well can read those books too. The final reason is internet. All most all the information sharing on the internet is in english so you must know better english to understand what is it all about and also to communicate other people via internet. In conclusion, I must tell this, if you want to go ahead in your life and in your stream you should learn English so that it would be easier to reach your achievements. That is how English plays a major role in our life.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Comparison between the “Incident†and the “Travel†Poems Essay
Comparison between the â€Å"Incident†and the â€Å"Travel†Poems Introduction First poem: Incident Keep looking straight at me. Now I was eight and very small, And he was no whit bigger, And so I smiled, but he poked out His tongue, and called me, â€Å"Nigger.†I saw the whole of Baltimore From May until December; Of all the things that happened there That’s all that I remember. Second poem: Travel By Edna St. Vincent Millay The railroad track is miles away, And the day is loud with voices speaking, Yet there isn’t a train goes by all day But I hear its whistle shrieking. All night there isn’t a train goes by, Though the night is still for sleep and dreaming, But I see its cinders red on the sky, And hear its engine steaming. My heart is warm with friends I make, And better friends I’ll not be knowing; Yet there isn’t a train I wouldn’t take, No matter where it’s going. Comparison between the two poems above            The first aspect to compare between the two poems above is the themes portrayed. In the first poem, â€Å"Incident†highlights the theme of racial discrimination. The speaker in the poem tells the audience how he was travelling in a bus when he encountered an event that he says that he is unlikely to forget. He says that while in the bus travelling to Baltimore, his happiness suddenly turned to sadness when a young boy of his age called him a Niger. In stanza three, the speaker says, â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦but he poked out His tongue, and called me, â€Å"Niger†. Niger is a word that is used to sarcastically insult African-Americans living in America. The speaker felt so sad and in the next eight months (from May to December) that he spent in Baltimore; he cannot remember anything else but that annoying incident. In stanza four of the poem, the speaker confirms that he can never forget. He says, â€Å"†¦.From May to Decem ber; of all the things that happened there, That’s all that I remember†.            On the other hand, the theme in the second poem, â€Å"Travel†, is that of discontentment. The speaker describes her feelings to the audience. She says in stanza threeâ€Å"My heart is warm with the friends I make, And better friends I’ll not be knowing†. In these lines, the speaker says that although she is presently happy with the friends that she has; she thinks the friends that she has not met already may be better. This is a clear indication of dissatisfaction that the speaker expresses.            It is also important to analyze the choice of the titles of the poems that the authors use and find out how relevant they are to the poem. The title that the author chooses carries too much weight in the understanding of the poem. The theme of the poem is highlighted in the title, albeit hidden and, therefore, identified after reading the whole poem. In the first poem, the title is â€Å"Incident†. The literal meaning of this word is a happening that is unusual. In this poem, the speaker describes an unusual happening that apparently happened to him. In his context, the speaker experienced an incident. Therefore, the title is very relevant to the poem. In the second poem, the title is â€Å"Travel†. The word travel means movement from one location to another. In the poem, the speaker is discontented by her present state. She longs to move to the next level. She uses train metaphorically to indicate that she wants to cease the next opportunity available and move to the next level. Therefore, the title captures this desire of the speaker so vividly and, therefore, in the context of the theme in this poem, it is very relevant.            The other aspect that needs comparison in these two poems is the choice of the language. The language that the author uses is aimed at making the poem interesting to the reader while bringing out the desired message. In the first poem, â€Å"Incident†, the author chooses to use the first person â€Å"I†in the poem. He allows the speaker to tell the audience about this incident in a direct manner. The reader, who is the audience, is able to connect with the speaker when the speaker talks about himself. For instance, in stanza two, the speaker says, â€Å"Now I was eight and very young,†¦..†. The speaker informs the audience that, at the time of the incident that happened to him, he was eight years old and was very small. Incidentally, the second poem also uses the first person â€Å"I†. The speaker tells the audience about her feelings. This style improves the connection between the audience and the speaker because the poem is about the speaker.            In addition, the two poems have used contracted language in several instances. In the first poem, there is the use of â€Å"That’s†instead of â€Å"That is†in the last stanza line four. This makes the poem informal and makes the readers connect with the speaker easily, especially in the modern times. In the second poem, instances of contractions are numerous. For example, there is the use of â€Å"I’ll†instead of â€Å"I will†, â€Å"isn’t†instead of â€Å"is not†and â€Å"it’s†instead of â€Å"it is†in the last stanza. Again, this contraction makes the poem informal. In the modern times, the poem becomes understandable. The choice of contractions is deliberate. The contractions make the number of syllables in the lines where they are equal to the rest of the lines.            Another aspect of the poems that is worth comparison is the use of the rhyme technique in the poems. Both poems have a regular rhyme pattern that serve to make them more interesting to read. The rhyme pattern in the first poem is ABCB. To illustrate this rhyming pattern, it is necessary to pick the last words in one stanza. In this case, the last stanza has last words as â€Å"†¦Baltimore, †¦December, †¦there and †¦remember†. In the case of the second poem, the rhyme pattern is ABAB. The last stanza has the last words as â€Å"†¦make, †¦knowing, †¦..take and †¦.knowing†. The words illustrate the regular rhyme pattern. The same patterns are repeated throughout the poems. The regular rhyme pattern help make the poem rhythmical and lyrical.            It is important to compare the mood in each, and the tone used in either poem. In the first poem, the mood is jovial initially as depicted in the first and the second stanza. The speaker expresses his joy when he smiles at the stranger boy. However, the mood changes to sadness after the speaker is insulted by the boy when he calls him Nigger. As the mood changes, so does the tone. It starts as joyfully to a somber one. In the second poem, the tone is optimistic. The speaker is optimistic and hopeful of a better future. However, there is some tinge of negativity in the tone in the first two stanzas. This negative tone expresses speaker’s dissatisfaction about her current status.            The first poem uses imagery when the speaker tells the audience how he saw a boy staring straight at him. He smiled at him. The reader can vividly see the mental image of the speaker smiling at the stranger. In the second poem, the author employs metaphor by using a train to signify different paths in life. The speaker says that â€Å"†¦..Yet there isn’t a train I wouldn’t take, No matter where it’s going†in the last stanza. It means that the speaker is willing to take any path in life although there is no opportunity that is presenting itself. In addition, the second poem has employed personification in the first stanza when the speaker implies that the Train â€Å"whistling†and â€Å"shrieking†.            The two poems have so much in common. The similarities emanate from the choice of the language and the styles employed. Therefore, it is clear that poets have one thing in common as far as their writing skills are concerned. They have a rich background of poetry techniques. They always employ them appropriately to suit the message intended to be delivered. References St, John R. A. Explorations in Literature. Greenville, S.C: BJU Press, 2013. Print. Source document
Friday, September 13, 2019
Cloning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Cloning - Essay Example On the other hand, in animals, the clone is a creation from one cell that is taken from the parent making the offspring and parent genetically identical (Tsunoda and Kato, 158-161). There are different types of cloning that can be divided into molecular and cellular cloning. The former is comprised of stem cell cloning and unicellular cloning. These serve an ideal purpose in research of different pathologies, physiological function as well as provide a platform for testing future treatment options. There are many ethical factors to consider in the cloning process and one has to weigh the benefits and potential harmful consequences of cloning. When all the factors are put into perspective, cloning is a revolutionary scientific process that should be given a greater opportunity to improve humanity and the quality of life. Cloning has different levels of significance and these depend on the field one is studying. This factor alone shows the diverse benefits of cloning. Plant cloning is essentially important to farmers, as it enables the duplication of plants with artificial selection of desired genes (Freudenrich, n.p). This has both economic benefits for the farmer as he or she can reduce the amount of expenses in protecting crops, and a social benefit as populations with food shortages are able to yield more crops. The process of plant cloning equips the farmer with the exact knowledge of the plant that he or she is growing. The procedures involved in cloning plants are more simplistic that those applied in animal cloning. An identical plant can be yielded by obtaining a piece of the root tip from a plant (Freudenrich, n.p). Following this, the cells from the root are dissociated and cultured in a nutrient medium. The root cells are allowed to form calluses and then grown in the soil medium. Animal cloning is more complicated and involves different procedures of molecular cloning. The main steps in the cloning process include
Thursday, September 12, 2019
ALQAIDA TERRORIST ATTACK ON NEW YORK CITYS TIMES SQUARE DURING THE ANNUAL NEW YEARS EVE CELEBRATION USING CONCEALED IMPOVISED SPRAYING DEVICES TO DELIVER AN - Essay Example This forms the backdrop for this paper, which weighs the pros and cons on whether the al Qaeda has the motivation and capability to develop and use bio-weapons to carry out its mission of terror. A significant portion of the paper builds up the view that there is such an inclination, and that the likeliest targets are major US cities. The strongest candidate may be New York City, the possible terror attack to coincide with the traditional celebration of New Year's Eve. Part of the reasons is that in all the post-9/11 celebrations, the hundreds of thousands of Americans who joined the revelry came to challenge the terrorists to do their worst, invoking their sense of patriotism and hatred for terrorism. This constitutes a temptation that terrorists may not be able to resist. The most important section of the paper then sketches the possible actions that New York City and the federal government would take if and when such a bio-terror attack takes place. It also evaluates the wisdom and sufficiency of the preventive measures that the city and federal governments were compelled to undertake in the aftermath of 9/11 and the 2001 anthrax scare. Among the questions we want to address is the preparedness and capabilities of the city and federal health systems to deal with a large-scale bio-chemical attack, which represents the new threat to world peace and security that the world's health and defense systems have little familiarity as yet. Can the authorities act with efficiency and dispatch to minimize the loss of lives and confine the damageChapter 2 - Biochemical Weapons Biochemical weapons appeal to terrorists for three reasons: 1) they are easier and cheaper to acquire than nuclear devices and cause more casualties; 2) their effects on target population are hard to detect and counter; and 3) the threat of their use causes fear, which element the terrorists love most. The use of bio-weapons actually goes back to the siege
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Collective Bargaining at West University Assignment
Collective Bargaining at West University - Assignment Example In today’s world, management has become well-aware of efforts such as employee engagement that increases employee’s productivity, lowers production cost and improves the quality of final products and services. Likewise, labor unions are realizing that they can assist their members by developing co-operative relations with management rather than fighting with them. Even in the corporate world, U.S. labor laws are created to reduce mistrust and opposition between management and labor. For instance, the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) was passed for encouraging collective bargaining and balancing the power of workers with that of the management; the legislation even assists in the elimination of the company’s practices of setting up unions with the purpose of discouraging outside unions to organize their employees. As a result of this law, companies were prohibited to provide support or allow the creation of labor organization. In this case of West University, the congregation of unionists is justified by labor law and they have the right of collective bargaining on matters related to their service terms. However, the labor law, in this case, does not bound employers in the effective expression of controversial issues with unionists; employers can choose to ignore unionists’ wants. Basically, the union is strong only for the rights that it can fight for and be crippling it on its instructions make certain that its relevance has no meaning. Hence, the labor law indirectly suppresses unionization. In every organization, determination of an individual who is providing service is considered either to be a contractor or an employee; it is largely dependent on that person’s involvement with service’s owner.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
External and Internal Environmental Analysis on Medtronic's Essay
External and Internal Environmental Analysis on Medtronic's - Essay Example External Environment The Health Care Environment The most important external environmental factor for Medtronic is government regulation. It is mandatory to comply with their regulations, and the government is involved in setting the quality standards and liability laws. The government in the US has increasingly become involved in health care since the creation of Medicaid and Medicaid in the 60s (Medtronic, 2013). Their implementation started a trend of increased medical spending with Medicare expanding the reimbursement for cardiac defibrillators. This has caused the system to move to a strategy of predict and manage from one of diagnose and treat under initiatives for health care expenditure control. Fortunately for the organization, there seems to have been little accomplishment with chronic diseases like diabetes and obesity increasing, whereas an aging population has ensured that there is a steady demand for their products like defibrillators and vascular tents, which Medtronic and their competitors manufacture (Medtronic, 2 013). Because of the government’s immense power, there is an active attempt to influence it with the American Medical Association having been the most powerful, although this is no longer the case (Medtronic, 2013). The entire health care system has come to be defined by special interests. The government also heavily regulates facility providers with some of Medtronic’s competitors closing down due to decreased profits. Because of this, health care facility organizations have been lobbying for improved reimbursement, as well as reimbursement of new research protocols and technology. Medtronic stands to benefit from both of them. In addition, Medtronic is also affected by accrediting bodies. They may have the ability to add facility management value through facilitation and demonstration of quality improvement (Medtronic, 2013). Managed care organizations and 3rd party payer organizations also have lobbying groups that all seek to lower prices offered by Medtronic. Internal S trengths and Weaknesses The greatest strength that Medtronic has historically possessed is strong leadership. The current CEO has been at the organization for 20 years with the average tenure of board members being ten years (The Associated Press, 2013). Medtronic has used this core of committed leaders to sustain industry leadership as the organization has navigated the ever-changing technological world, coupled to constrained health care budgets. Underlying strength for the company is a futuristic business plan that has been born out of a well-established and strong team of leaders. In addition, the company has accomplished the task through other strengths like disciplined approaches to marketing, as well as R&D. Through maintenance of a keen awareness of trends in healthcare and biotechnology, the company has capitalized on R&D from smaller firms via mergers and acquisitions. The company has also been able to establish a recognized brand name, which is essential since health prov iders normally utilize
History Discussion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5
History Discussion - Research Paper Example Rule by a central government is seen to be effective as it will give the nation great power in making crucial decision such as going to war or how government finances should be distributed. This is seen due to the fact that there are less bureaucratic processes in dealing with when dealing with a centralized government than when dealing with a devolved government. Ratification of this constitution across all states is seen to be important as this will greatly increase the geographical size of the nation and also encourage the joining of new states. Having a large nation in terms of geographical size is seen to be important as these increases the quantity resources available in the country (Maier.1998). This will also increase the variety of resources which are available in the country as a resource not found in a particular state can be found in another. The availability of a wide range of resources is bound to affect the economic growth of the nation positively in that this will enable the production of a wide range of goods. This will lead to the steady rise in the economy of the country with the nation likely to be able to produce all goods needed by its citizens. Moreover, the ability to produce excess goods will be important as this will encourage trade with other countries thus resulting in further economic growth within the nation. The ratification of this constitution will thus spur fast economic growth across the country. Ratification of the constitution will also be helpful in ensuring the equal growth of all areas across the nation will give the central government an opportunity to be able to help out the states which cannot grow fast enough due to lack of resources. The ratification of this constitution is thus bound to increase national loyalty and change the way Americans think of each other. This will encourage citizens to view each other as brothers’ thus encouraging people to look for opportunities beyond
Monday, September 9, 2019
Is regionalism the future of emergency management Essay
Is regionalism the future of emergency management - Essay Example Thus, the group of emergency management practitioners worked on eight principles to guide the development of the emergency management and to help on basing its future1. Today, the future of the emergency management is very essential to the public and to the private sector. The demand for emergency managers has been increasing sufficiently due to certain events like the September 11 era. The disaster response systems have increasingly been federalized to deal in the internal and external threats that have been initiated and to be able to provide insight into the issues of what can be done in order to prevent the emergency events from happening in the future. The distribution of these disaster response systems and their resources between the rural and urban communities has become a problem in the near future, as the geographic conditions are to be considered greatly. Regionalism is a political ideology that indicates the need of protection of the interests of a particular region by specifically hired political groups or regionalists. The main aims of these regionalists are to increase their region’s political power and influence either from limited forms of autonomy or by stronger measures of autonomy. The concept of regionalism strengthens the region’s government bodies and their political parties, and also promotes fiscal responsibility, benefit the local population with a more rational allocation of the region’s resources, improve the efficiency in carrying out the local plans and overall increase the efficiency levels. Regionalism is closely related to the future of emergency management. Since the field of emergency management is always evolving, it makes it impossible for the roles and responsibilities of the emergency managers to be consistent. Thus, there are several key needs that are applied to the emergency
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Rule of Law and Separation of Powers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Rule of Law and Separation of Powers - Essay Example This notion is referred to as 'separation of powers'. Over the years 'the Rule of Law' has gained many critical acclaims due to the traditional ethical values it uphold in the UK constitution. Those set of values are universally accepted and implemented in most of the European states for the rule does not allow any deviation or updation in the 'written' or 'unwritten' part of the Constitution. 'Separation of powers' the word created by a French thinker 1 is today pursued by the doctrine of the separation of powers (SOP) which suggests that SOP is no less important globally than nationally. This refers to the fundamental commitment to the creation and maintenance of independent judicial bodies to interpret and apply diverse areas of international law is essential to international law's continuing integrity 2. SOP refers to that established constitutional principle that believes and negates the notion that, there must not be any accumulation of too much power in a single entity (one person) or decision-making body, instead the power must be distributed among the three branches of the constitution named the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary. In case the power is vested in a single authority, it would lead to inefficiency and corruption 3. Lord Scarman invoked Entick v. ... The King's messengers were liable for trespass in the absence of authority indicating the legality of general warrants of search and seizure: the 'silence of the books' was held to be authority against them. The House of Lords held that a constable could not lawfully require a person to provide a breath specimen, under the Road Traffic Act 1972, section 8, if he were present on that person's property without permission. Police officers had not been acting in the execution of their duty, as was necessary for a valid exercise of the power, because they were trespassers 4. The Rule of Law indicated in this case provides the foundation of constitutional rights. The legality of the issue and execution of general warrants of search and seizure could not be established, and the King's Messengers were therefore liable for trespass. The judges would see if justification were provided by statute or common law: 'If no such excuse can be found or produced, the silence of the books is an authority against the defendant 5. McGonnell V. UK McGonnell v UK case depicts the violation in the context of separation of power, which the court found guilty of regarding the lack of prejudice in requirement in Article 6(1). "This was mainly because of the personal relations between the judiciary of the Bailiff of Guernsey and his legislative and executive roles. The Bailiff's overlapping functions meant that he had presided over the Guernsey legislature when it had adopted the Development Plan, which was relevant to the applicant's planning application. The Bailiff's attitude in his judicial capacity made clear to the court the applicant's planning appeal, therefore the Court held this to be in breach
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Crito Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Crito - Research Paper Example Euthyphro identifies with Socrates because people laugh at him when he predicts the future. On the other hand, Euthyphro is accusing his father of murder. His father, by neglect, had let a servant who had killed another servant die in a ditch while awaiting instruction on what to do with him. Socrates taunts Euthyphro if he has such a precise knowledge of right and wrong and if so, whether what he is doing is not a wrong. The debate shifts to the discussion about what is holly and what is unholy, Socrates wants to learn from Euthyphro. Euthyphro argues that not prosecuting offenders because they are your relatives is unholy. He proves this by reminding Socrates of the god Zeus who is said to be the most just. Zeus, he says, bound his father Cronos because he had devoured his own sons. Socrates is indeed doubtful about the tales about the gods. Socrates asks Euthyphro to provide him with a standard by which to measure things as holy or unholy. Euthyphro says that holy things are dear to gods, and unholy things are not dear to the gods. Socrates remarks that gods also argue until they fight. He also points out that such arguments can only be about right or wrong. Socrates then brings out the flaw in such a definition by leading Euthyphro to admit that something considered dear to the gods is also, on the other hand, not dear to the gods; otherwise, they would not argue and fight. They both proceed to come up with another definition of purity. That what all the gods hate is impure and what they all love is pure, but what some gods love and others hate is both pure and impure. Unexpectedly, Socrates also punches holes in this definition. He asks whether the holy become holy because the gods love them or the gods adore them due to their holiness. They then agree that which is precious to the gods is also precious to them because they love it and not the other way round. This, Socrates points out is a contradiction and continues to demand another distinction between holy and unholy. Euthyphros, at this point gives up, but Socrates continues trying to come up with a distinction. He later proves that fear does not always result to reverence but reverence results to fear, which goes against the words of a poem on Zeus. On that, Socrates proves that piety is only a part of the bigger concept of justice. Euthyphros then asserts that piety is a part of justice, which concerns the gods. The word he uses ‘attention’ leads Socrates to enquire whether it is the attention that improves something. Euthyphro then gives another definition. That piety is sacrificing and praying to the gods. He expresses the idea of doing business with the gods. Socrates also wants Euthyphro to state to what benefit the gifts to the gods are. Instead, he says they are a show of honor and esteem. Thereby he admits that piety depends on what the gods like, which they had assumed not to be the case. The discussion becomes circular, and Euthyphros abandons the dialogu e. According to J. Adam, Euthyphro represents Plato’s perception on the Athenian orthodoxy that was common. Euthyphro represents the mindset that led to the murder of Socrates (Berversluis 161). Euthyphro is an example of a- know- it- all, ignorant of his ignorance. He flaunts his knowledge in matters of religion and even adopts a fatherly tone towards Socrates. He is overconfident and uncritical to the extent that he does not realize that Socrates is not taking him
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